Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pierre Delecto = Pete Delight and Shrillda the Hutt sees Russians everywhere

Peoples Cube

I cannot believe I supported and voted for cowardly turncoat Mittens Romney.  Well to be fair the alternative was voting for a know-nothing, do-nothing, be-nothing cowardly turncoat and waif Barry The Empty Suit OB, so there’s that.  Also, TES gave rise to PDJT, so maybe it was all worth it.  It’s just sad to watch Romney show his true colors so publicly.

Why in the world is Romney running a shadow twitter account?  And Pierre Delecto?  Puleeez. Why in the world would he go under that foolish moniker?  

Loosely translated as near as I can tell Pierre Delecto = Peter Delight.  WTH?  Pierre Delecto?  I guess Mitten’s search for decent nom de guerre was like Maryland settling on the “terrapins” for their mascot.  The president of the university explained it this way, “What were we supposed to do?  All the good animals were already taken.”*  So in fairness to Mittens, all the good names – Lex E Libertas and Carlos Danger - were already taken.

*NOTE:  The terrapins?  Really?  A turtle?  They’re slow, ugly and docile.  WTH.  Why not the Maryland Manatees or sloths or opossums?   

Still Pierre Delecto?  It’s just too easy: Pete Dildo, Peter Derelicto, Penis de Dumbazz…okay it’s getting away from me now, but Peter Delight aka Pierre Delecto is meme gold – just wait.

But still, why does Mittens need a shadow twitter account?  Answer:  He wasn’t man enough to stand up to Harry the roach Reid, I ate too much Candy Crowley, Barry The Empty Suit OB, his wife, the baby sitter, the waiter at his favorite restaurant who serves him under cooked liver whenever he shows up, the elevator operator who habitually drops him at the wrong floor, his dog who sh*ts on his side of the bed every day, et al, so he cannot be expected to take the heat for putting his thoughts out there under his real name.  Pierre Delecto my azz.  Mittens needs to go with Pierre Timidus or Pete Coward. 

Shrillda the Hutt sees Russians – everywhere
Shrillda the Hutt is running for re-election…in her warped narrow mind anyway.  This woman just cannot get enough of be clowning herself. She calls PDJT every name in the book forgetting, I guess, that he kicked her ample azz like a free kick soccer ball in a World Cup shootout. 

My tactic would be to heap great praise on the opponent who just beat me like a drum.  You now like a coach whose team just got badly beaten.  “Well you now they’re a great team and we just didn’t play best and you cannot beat a team like them when you’re not at your best.  Blah, blah, blah”

Instead she tries convince us that she got her fat, lazy, lying, thieving azz beat by a crude, shallow, dumbazz who is a Russian spy.  So okay, you got your azz beat by a crude, shallow, dumbazz.  So what does that make you? 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I cannot ever recall Shrill saying something smart, wise, or Maggie Thatcher-like. What has she done worth a damn? Notta. Perfect Slow Joe VP candidate. Biden/Clinton ticket slogan," Losers Unite!".
Mittens should wear a paper bag on his head for a month. Amazing how Mitt attacks Trump and we discover P. Delecto. And Dipsh** Delecto gets counter punched with a cement block to the jaw. Trump SOP.