Monday, October 07, 2019

Colossal dumbazz quid pro quo Slow Joe Biden stumbles into the truth

His Slowness – Joe Biden, referring to PDJT, said, "You won't destroy me, and you won’t destroy my family.”  Slow Joe’s right.  PDJT isn’t going to destroy Slow Joe and his corrupt know nothing, do nothing, be nothing azzwipe of a son.  Slow Joe and his druggie dope son are going to do that all by themselves.

The two Biden azzweasels are guilty as hell of corruption.  Slow Joe – ever the self-aggrandizing dumbazz - is on tape bragging about it.  His no talent worthless doper son made millions peddling Slow Joe’s name and influence.  They had to market Slow Joe’s name and position because like his totally F’ed up spawn, Slow Joe is a talentless POS elected to office by idiots in Delaware and then picked off the political garbage heap by Lil’ Barry OB to be his VP.

Slow Joe – like Heap Big Chief Lies Her Azzoff Lizzy Warren – has a Walter Mitty complex.  His life is so F’ed up based on his below mental acuity that he just makes sh*t up.  Fortunately the dumbazz is too stupid to make up stuff that cannot easily be fact checked. 

After telling a reporter that he (Slowest of all Joes) had a higher IQ than the reporter*, Slow Joe backed it up by telling the reporter he (colossal dumbazz Slow Joe) graduated in the “top half” of his law class.  He didn’t.  The stupid sh*t graduated 76th of 85.  Instead of parleying his pathetic finish into a “pick yourself up by your bootstraps”; “come from behind victory”; “your story isn’t over until it’s over”; “worked my backside off to better myself” story, Slow Joe, as always, took the easy way out and lied.  Like his pathetic lie about playing on the U of Delaware football team, the lie was easily exposed.

*NOTE:  It’s unlikely the Slow Joe has a higher IQ than any functioning human being.

Instead of exposing the lie and holding the lying azzweasel accountable, the MSM responds by giving the dumbazz a pass with an “Aww that’s just Joe being Joe.”  They are correct.  Too bad for them “Joe being Joe” means Joe being lying d-bag poseur. 

As an average guy my entire life*, I take great offense when a loser from the bottom third claims to be “average.”  Hey, respect the bell curve SFB.  You’re a bottom feeding less than mediocre lower third POS. Embrace your below average intelligence, savvy, drive, and talent you worthless loser.

*NOTE II:  I have my 17th chemo infusion tomorrow, which led a friend to remark, “Lex, an average man with an above average tolerance to chemotherapy.”  Everyone has one special talent.  It took contracting cancer for me to discover mine.

PDJT isn’t going to “destroy” these two mental midgets.  The two mental midgets are going to destroy themselves.  They don’t have the talent to navigate the questions that arise from their crooked dealings.  Right now the focus is on Ukraine.  Soon it’ll shift to China.  Rudy told Fox that there are also cooked dealings in Romania.  Slow Joe’s demand that reporters “ask the right question” is going to crash down on his empty head if they ever decide to take him up on that mandate.

The second blower is coming out
I don’t get it.  The transcript is out.  What is a second blower going to add?  We’ll see.  I look at this as piling on.  If you don’t have anything, you just keep jumping onto the pile. 

Rat establishment Republicans
Lex opined that PDJT’s biggest problem wasn’t the Dopes.  It was scum ReRs (i.e. Mitt Romney). Sadly we are watching Romney slowly morph into a rat weasel. Mitt didn’t have the manhood to confront Harry the roach Reid when the roach accused Romney of not paying his taxes.  PDJT would have leveled the roach.  Mitt didn’t have the manhood to stand up for his wife or his wealth when they were attacked by unscrupulous Dopes.  PDJT would have cut their throats.  After crushing lil’ Barry in the first debate, Mitt didn’t have the manhood finish him off in the next two debates.  PDJT always shows up to win.  Mitt didn’t have the manhood to take on fat azz I ate too much Candy Crowley when she went all in with lil’ Barry in the third debate.  PDJT would have called her fat ugly mug out and blistered the blister bag faux “reporter” in the most unflattering terms.  Stating the obvious:  Mitt’s a loser. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

When the best dressed person, who also owns the nicest home and car in town is a towns' meter maid, the towns' people get curious. Hunter and Joe violated many Wash DC well established SOP's in corruption. As the meter maid would say,"Why pick on me? Everybody is doing it." Reference Clinton Foundation and Harry Reid's land deals. Trump has lot of pols scared. Like Gary Cooper trying to clean up an old West Town. He is their target. And they own the town newspaper too.