Monday, October 28, 2019

Today's extended JG rant - failing newspapers

Too bad newspapers are failing.  It’s their own fault.  Sears was the largest retailer in America from the end of WWII until the 1980s.  Sears is now bankrupt.  You can almost hear the board members of the retail giant chortling, “This interweb thing will never take off.  We’re just too big to fail,” but fail they have.  Newspaper are taking the same route.

It’s comical to read the JG’s sub-headline, “Agenda-driven sites masquerading as journalism ill serve news-starved communities.”  Look at the log in your own eye – it’s the mainstream media’s own agenda-driven reporting that is masquerading as journalism.  The only professions with lower approval ratings than “journalists” are pimps, prostitutes and pornographers.  

Does the JG seriously believe that they are fooling anyone except the same writers who habitually litter this paper’s letters and editorial page that what happens at the JG is “journalism”? It is agenda-driven tripe through and through, nothing more.

The JG buys the ink and newsprint.  It can print whatever it chooses, but to pretend that what they choose to print isn’t “agenda-driven” nonsense is just plain lying to yourselves and your readers. 

“Newspapers, of course, offer political opinions, but they are labeled as such and usually presented on the editorial and oped pages.”  Newspapers are also a business.  What business model encourages businesses to not only ignore half the potential customers but openly lampoon them, call them names like racists, white supremacists, deplorables, irredeemables, criminals etc. for nothing more than who they chose to support in the 2016 election?

Ad revenue is driven by circulation.  When newspapers decide that it is worth printing nothing but left leaning rubbish and lies day in and day out they alienate a large percentage of potential customers.  When they drive those customers off, ad revenues drop and the newspaper possibly folds or shrinks causing the dreaded “news-desert”.

That’s right JG, newspapers’ single-minded “agenda-driven” trash masquerading as journalism is a self-inflicted wound, sometimes fatal, that ill serves news-starved communities.  In simple terms JG - you are the problem – you are your own worst enemy.

Look at your Sunday letters.  Actually it could be any day that it is one-sided smorgasbord of leftist hate and foolish arguments.

“Senators must restore our order, tranquility” by Nick Wilhelm referring to the Kurds as allies left to suffer annihilation at the hands of the Turks is just stupid.  Whatever a person might think of America’s precipitous withdrawal of 28 American’s from Syria, the Kurds are NOT allies.  There is no treaty between the US and disparate factions, some communist supporting, Kurds. The US has a treaty with only one side in that fight and happens to be with NATO ally Turkey. The Kurds would be more accurately described as mercenaries.  We armed them, and we paid them to fight an enemy that it was in their own best interest to fight.

“US embarrassment can't end too quickly” by Jack Rhoades is another example of leftist knee-jerk foolishness.  He misquotes scripture to indicate why he’s so scared he cannot come out from under the bedsheets.  Rhoades writes, “It seems like money really is the root of all evil because that is the only excuse you could possibly give for people putting any kind of backing behind him.”  First 1 Timothy 6:10 states that it is “the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil.”  Next it is rich that Rhoades misquotes that passage and applies it Trump supporters when Democrats are the party of Soros, Gates, Bezos, Steyer, Bloomberg, all of Silicon Valley, all of Hollywood and the rest of super rich big dollar donors.  It’s also ridiculous that Rhoades ignores Joe Biden and his next to worthless addict son’s get rich quick off of Joe’s position as VP and the Clinton Foundation’s get richer quicker scheme of selling influence when she was “a sure thing” to be the next president of the United States.  99.9% of that money dried up on Nov 9th 2016 when she got her ample backside handed to her by PDJT.  He also ignores the fact that PDJT is working for free and while Joe and Hunter were exploiting every opportunity to market Joe’s government position, PDJT’s family has eschewed foreign investments the day he was elected.  That is why PDJT is known as the “blue collar billionaire” and the Bidens and Clintons are being exposed as cheap crooks.

What would a day on the letters page without a poorly reasoned broad-brush assault on all Trump supporters and their motives?  David Soward’s hit piece, “Blind support should bring harm to GOP,” fits the bill.  Soward’s letter, dripping with anger, claims “people who support criminals are criminals, too, right down to the voters” must include the Biden’s and Clinton’s criminal activities. Does Soward want to take on Fast and Furious, IRS, EPA and Bergdahl scandals, spying on American citizens and an opposition party’s presidential candidate and allowing Russian interference in the 2016 election all of which took place under President Obama? Full filling campaign promises is not a crime.  Voting your own economic and social interests is not a crime. 

Then throw in the JG’s support for assaulting Americans’ constitutional rights when it come to the first, second and fourth amendments found nearly daily on the JG’s letters and editorial page and ask why would any right leaning person pay to read such utter garbage?         
To the extent that “news deserts” exist, the MSM need look no further than the bathroom mirror to understand why. To the extent that people get their news from the JG, Ft. Wayne is already a “news desert.”  It will be a great day for Ft. Wayne when the JG is sold, folds or is reduced to a tabloid format printed three days a week.  When that great day comes, it will be by the JG’s own editors’ and owners’ hands.  

We need a parody of this song for Bagdaddy - I'm blown to pieces
Thursday, October 24, 2019 1:00 am
Web of deceit
Agenda-driven sites masquerading as journalism ill serve news-starved communities
Journalism researchers call them “news deserts” – communities whose principal daily newspaper has either closed, merged with papers in other communities or reduced publication to a few days a week. The presumption has been that citizens who depended on local reporting to keep them informed and perform a watchdog role on local government will be shortchanged.
Last year, a paper by Paul Gao, associate professor of finance at the University of Notre Dame, and two University of Illinois at Chicago researchers revealed that communities that lose their newspaper literally pay a price in higher government costs as officials conduct business without being subject to the scrutiny of local newspaper reporters.
“Our results indicate that local newspapers hold their government accountable, keeping municipal borrowing costs low and ultimately saving taxpayer money,” the team wrote. “The research also found that the loss of government monitoring from newspaper closures is associated with higher government wages and deficits.”
Other studies have shown correlations with lower voter turnout, fewer people running for office and greater political polarization.
Just how news-desert communities are going to fill the information void is a subject of constant debate within the journalism community. But one notably bad solution is already taking root. In some communities, political and ideological groups are producing news on websites and in print and foisting their products off as “newspapers.”
In Michigan, where Detroit and several other large communities no longer have a daily newspaper, dozens of websites have emerged offering some local news but also peddling a hidden political agenda.
Newspapers, of course, offer political opinions, but they are labeled as such and usually presented on the editorial and oped pages. And websites with a political slant certainly aren't new.
“But presenting them as non-biased local news sources is,” Matt Grossman, director of Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, recently told the Lansing State Journal's Carol Thompson. “The big issue is this extent to which they have gone to try to confuse about this being the site of a local newspaper,” Grossman said.
The sites, which resemble newspaper websites, carry local and state stories – only some of which have a conservative bent – and bear such names as the Lansing Sun, the Ann Arbor Times and the Thumb Reporter, Thompson reported.
Democrats have been trying to get in on the action in some areas as (itself an undisguised progressive-leaning news website) reports: “Four 'news' outlets staffed by Democratic operatives will publish state-specific information across social media in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Wisconsin.” Republicans are also starting swing-state websites designed to look like newspaper sites, reported.
Fake newspaper sites have even been mobilized to covertly push a candidate in a political primary. Last year, Arizona Senate candidate Kelli Ward proudly posted links to an “endorsement” by “the Arizona Monitor.” The “Monitor's” endorsement included attacks on Ward's opponents in the Republican primary and concluded, “Kelli Ward is your woman.”
But, Politico reported, “despite its reputable sounding name, the Arizona Monitor is not a real news site. It is an anonymous, pro-Ward blog ... the site launched just a few weeks before publishing the endorsement, and its domain registration is hidden, masking the identity of its owner.”
As the journalism website observed, news deserts “not only produce nothing nutritious for people, they also attract snakes, scorpions, vultures and cactuses armed with prickles.” Michigan is just a click or two away from Indiana; let digital readers beware.

Senators must restore our order, tranquility
I recently appealed to our two U.S. senators on recent presidential threats to our orderly political system.
In the preamble to our Constitution are the words “ insure domestic tranquility.” Today I wonder what tranquility remains with the actions of the presidency unleashed on this union.
Recently, our president proclaimed we are pulling out of Syria and leaving the Kurd allies to suffer annihilation by Turkish forces. There seems to have been no discussion with Congress, our military leadership or intelligence agencies. Then President Donald Trump proclaims: “Anyone who wants to assist Syria in protecting the Kurds is OK with me, whether it's Russia, China or Napoleon.”
This flippant language lacks any sense of leadership. Vladimir Putin is inserting himself as moderator of a region that brought 9/11 to our shores and includes Iran, which is in lock step with the Russian leader.
Trump is not interested in our tranquility, and most certainly neither is Putin.
 It bothers me that both our senators remain silent when they see a leader who clearly threatens the integrity of our relationships to world and national order. Tranquility and order are tied together.
How do they sit without being provoked to action when both made oaths to uphold our Constitution?
This president mocks constitutional limits. There have been direct references to his abusing our whole system of ordered elections. This is a rogue trampling through a nation's identity.
Get up, not according to your political stripes, but to truly support the stripes of one nation needing a sense of order and tranquility.
Nick Wilhelm
Fort Wayne
US embarrassment can't end too quickly
I would like to agree 1,000% with Sharon Heckaman's letter (“Actions of president leave unsafe feeling,” Oct. 16). She hit the nail squarely on the head.
Every word she wrote is painfully true and will certainly come back to bite us all if we elect Donald Trump again. I can't even fathom another four years of his childish ways which are so divisive to our country. It seems like money really is the root of all evil because that is the only excuse you could possibly give for people putting any kind of backing behind him.
Folks like me are really going to have trouble if we reelect him. It's sad that people are so greedy we have to put up with a reality TV show host as our leader. There are so many better choices out there. This is embarrassing to our country.
Jack Rhoades
Fort Wayne
Blind support should bring harm to GOP
Would you vote for someone who was racist or who was corrupt or who lied 10,000 times or who broke the law openly or who undermines trust in the government or who was involved in numerous scandals? No? Then don't vote for those who support someone like that.
We can take a stand against the president and what his party has become by voting against every Republican running for office this year and next year.
I call on all Republican candidates and voters to renounce their party. The president doesn't represent you or your values, so why support him?
Local Republican candidates would like to distance themselves from Donald Trump, but they are linked to him whether they like it or not. They have supported him. They have raised money for him. They have voted for him. They have sent their own money to him. And now, they are tainted by him. So, how can you vote for anyone who follows the president so blindly?
Before you vote for any Republican, ask yourself, do you really want to be known for making that decision? Consider years from now, how could you possibly defend supporting Trump and his followers? Your children, grandchildren, and other relatives and friends may even ask you in the future how you possibly could have made a mistake like voting for the Republicans. 
People who support criminals are criminals, too, right down to the voters. Take a stand. Support and vote for the Democrats while you still can.
David Sowards
Fort Wayne

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