Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Socialism = Santa Claus

It’s against the law to buy votes.  A pol cannot reach into his pocket and give a voter $100 to vote for him. That makes sense or George Soros, Bezos and Zuckerberg would be lined up to be president. From now until forever.

So pol cannot use his own money or campaign funds to buy votes.  It’s illegal. What is totally legal is for a pol to promise to use your money to buy votes.  He can promise to use your money for free college, free food, free rent, free income, free phones etc. etc.  It’s perfectly legal for a pol to buy votes in that fashion.

That’s a problem.  Some smart guy once said:  

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.” 
Alexis de Tocqueville

I think “the day” is upon us.  Socialism is on the rise on the left.  Bernie Sanders by all rights should have won the Dope nomination in 2016.  Now the face of the Dope party is a clueless NY socialist – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC).  She’s a “free everything” candidate who will tax the rich and corporations to pay for all the free stuff.    
Great!  I’m not rich or a corporation so I will get the free stuff without suffering any of the financial burden, right?  Yup. For awhile.

So, if this is such a great idea, why hasn’t it worked anywhere else? 

Well another great thinker - Margret Thatcher - noted, “Socialism sounds great until you run out of other people’s money.” Venezuela, Cuba, the old Soviet Union all ran out of other people’s money.

That’s when the hell that is socialism manifests itself.  But by that time it’s too late.  The socialist have gained control of all of the levers of government.  Elections are rigged.  The military and police are bought off so that they have an interest in maintaining control of the masses.

Socialism is a hard sell in America.  So AOC and the Bernie brigade call it “democratic socialism”.  Democratic socialism is the bastard child of democratic authoritarianism and democratic communism. It’s total BS.

But it’s an alluring prospect, particularly for a generation raised on “participation trophies”.  That’s the, “Hey I showed up.  Where’s my award?” generation. 

There was a story the other day about youngsters “checking out”.  They’d rather travel than work.  Tell me that’s not fertile ground for socialism.

It’s strange, because I have always thought that it required money to travel.  Where’s that money coming from?  Mom?  Dad?  Where’s it going to come from under socialism when Mom and dad are broke?  The government?  Believe me, if the people of Venezuela could afford to travel they’d travel out of the socialist ell hole. 

Last, remember this.  Socialism is communism’s little brother.  A socialist is just a communist without a gun.  If/when we go down this road and it fails as it always does the only way for the government to maintain their power will be through the force of arms.  That is why “common sense” gun control is so important to the left. It’s much easier for the government to maintain control through force of arms if the government are the only ones with arms.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Azzweasels gonna azzweasel on the border wall

When asked about PDJT last week Lex opined, “Given all of the alternatives, I hopped on the Trump tiger pretty early in the game.”  The ensuing conversation was interesting in that it focused on PDJT’s personality and most of all on the tweets.  There was very little talk of policy.

I noted that I was NEVER going to vote for Shrillda the Hutt.  The only viable candidate, after he won the Republican primary, was Trump.  As I put it, I’d have low-crawled, on my belly like a reptile, naked over broken glass to vote for Trump. Apparently, others shared my motivation.  

After all, the balance of the Supreme Court hung in the balance.  Had the Hutt won, we’d truly be screwed.  Given the current trajectory, the Hutt would be moving her second SC choice through the senate giving the court a significant 6-3 leftward tilt for decades particularly after the ancient Ruth Ginsberg tenured her notice.

That does not affect #NEVERTRUMP Rat establishment Republicans in the least.  In the face of conservative policies and appointments, they continue to rail against PDJT.  According to a couple of these nitwits, better to vote Dope than to let PDJT continue to tweet* unabated.

*NOTE:  It has to be the tweets.  It cannot be the adoption of policies these #NEVERTRUMP azzbags have supposedly argued for their entire public careers.

Now the ReR in congress, in the persons of Pauly Walnuts and Mitch McConnell, are going to put a budget in front of PDJT that does not include funding for the wall or immigration reform. This kind of namby-pamby BS from the ReRs is exactly why PDJT curb stomped 17 establishment Republican.

The ReRs have the advantage, but, being spineless career politicians, they refuse to push it.  Better to play it safe until after the mid-terms.  Don’t rock the vote.  We have 195 year plan for getting things done.  That’s how politicians move, at the speed of politics.

PDJT moves at the speed of business.  Press your advantage while you have it. 

What is baffling about this is that the ReRs are not ducking unpopular votes.  They are ducking popular positions. All of PDJT’s immigration policy is shared by the majority of Americans.  So, why not get it done?
Well there’s the “azzweasel” theory.  That theory goes that they are all azzweasel politicians afraid of their own shadows, afraid of anyone in power that isn’t an azzweasel politician.   
The Caligula, D.C. azzweasel Prime Directive is that azzweasels close and ranks like a Spartan phalanx to protect other azzweasels.  And like the Spartan phalanx, the loss of a single azzweasel threatens the entire phalanx.

PDJT is challenging the natural order of things threatening azzweasels everywhere.  That is why he has become the target of so many azzweasels.  Even the right-wing azzweasels.  

Note to azzweasels:  The phalanx is broken.  Corker is gone.  Flake is gone.  The entire Bush family is now more associated with Billbo Billyboy Clinton than Republicans. George Will, Johnna Goldberg, Kevin Williamson et al are shadows of their former selves as they twist themselves into pretzels to rail against PDJT doing what he said he’d do and what they heretofore have argued for.

Yeah sure.  He’s horrible.  The economy is booming.  ISIS is nearly dead.  N Korea is making mini steps to come into the light.  Iran is moving to a popular uprising.  The US is head to toward becoming the #1 energy exporter.  Regulation is on the decline.  The Supreme Court is safe – for now.  So sure, PDJT is just F-ing everything up.

Advice to ReRs:  Ride the Trump tiger.  Build the wall.  Shut the government down, for good, if necessary to get it done.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Today's JG rant

Re Jeffery McCann’s letter “Christian wants freedom to selectively discriminate” of Jul 26, 2018     
Since Mr. McCann chooses to paint Christians with a rather broad and negative brush, my guess is that he may not understand Christian values.  Chief among those values is the notion that we love the sinner, but hate the sin. 
The LGBT cake baking brouhaha is not about rejecting people.  It’s about rejecting sin.  It’s not about homophobia.  It’s about theology.  
Like a good many of today’s frustrated, angry and humorless Leftist, McCann might reside at the junction of arrogance, ignorance and intolerance. 
Only a rare strain of arrogance would allow someone to state unequivocally that another “does not walk with God.” To make that claim of another publicly on the pages of the JG passes arrogance and, if anyone on the Left were capable of shame anymore, is shameful. 
Only willful ignorance allows someone to argue that all sins and sinners are equal.  The sinner who lies, telling his wife that those jeans don’t make her backside look big, is substantially different from the one who is having an affair with the neighbor’s wife.  Does McCann really think that the man will demand a cake celebrating his adultery? Does McCann really believe that the baker will bake it? 
Only that kind of arrogance and ignorance can combine to create the kind of intolerance commonly found on the Left today – intolerance in the name of tolerance. 
In McCann’s world Jews and Muslims should be forced to violate their religious beliefs by being required to serve him ham sandwiches, because refusing to do so would demonstrate intolerance.  So instead of being tolerant of their religious beliefs and walking a block to another vendor, McCann prefers to ruin their lives by suing them. Everyone must be tolerant of McCann, but he is under no obligation to reciprocate. 
This is not about getting a cake baked.  It is about intolerant fascists like McCann forcing you to violate your religious beliefs in the name of his intolerant oddball idea of tolerance.

Note to editors:  What a dopey headline for McCann’s letter.  Discrimination by definition is “selective”.  Given the asinine headlines you’ve placed over a couple of my own letters, McCann’s headline, sadly, is not surprising.

Christian wants freedom to selectively discriminate
This is in response to Beth Watts' ridiculous letter to the editor July 18 headlined “Stand up for God.” She claims to be a Christian and “needs to speak up for God.” What is strange is her railing against the LBGT community and her inability to do and say what she believes. She does not rail against murderers, rapists or people who commit adultery – she only mentions the LBGT community.
If she truly wants to take a stand in the name of God and hide behind religious freedom, then she needs to treat all sinners in the same manner. She, like most so-called Christians or people who believe they are Christians, feel they can select what they want to follow and believe. Here is a news flash – that is not following the word of God.
If, under the disguise of religious freedom, they do not want to bake a cake for a gay couple, then likewise they should not be serving anyone who has committed adultery, a pathological liar or anyone who has sinned against the word of God. She wants to be selective, but that practice falls under discrimination, not an assault on her religious freedom.
Miss Watts wanting to inflict her beliefs on me is infringing on my rights and religious freedoms. She wants to be judge and jury.
Miss Watts may think she is a Christian, but she does not walk with God.
Jeffrey McCann

Thursday, July 26, 2018

PDJT thrives on the Left's negativity

Uh oh, the recession, depression, economic downturn and the end of the world have failed to materialize after PDJT placed tariffs or threatened to place tariffs on the EU.  In fact, the EU caved and is willing to work toward zero tariffs.

Is that too much winning?

If not, consider that when the EU caves it puts the US in a stronger position against China and that historical threat to world-wide peace and security Canada. 

Then consider that the American economy is expected to break 4% growth and is humming along at a pace that is the envy of the world. 

Then consider that America is on track to become the #1 energy exporter. A lot of that energy is going to be heading to the EU knocking another hole in Russia’s already pathetic economy.

Then consider the architect of the American resurgence – PDJT.  It is unlikely that PDJT is going to take council from the pearl clutching azzbags in Caligula, D.C. warning of Armageddon if we do not allow the rest of the world to treat us like crapola with regard to trade.

ASIDE:  Seems to me that PDJT is like some energy vampire that thrives on the negative energy directed at him since Inauguration Day. Has there been one day, just one, when PDJT was not dominating the news cycle?  He apparently thrives on the negativity.  If the MSM, Dopes (one in the same), #NEVERTRUMPERs and the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd really wanted sack PDJT, they’d ignore him for a week. No one would know how to act. PDJT might start wandering the White House lawn naked to get some buzz going.

Consider that N Korea is set to release 50+ sets of US remains on Fri.  Set to release?  Yeah, who really knows what Lil’ Rocket Man is going to do.  But will the TDS crowd in the MSM going to give PDJT a speck of credit for that development?  No.  Oh HELL no.

Today PDJT is going to tweet, do or say something that is going to have the TDS knuckleheads pulling their hair out and declaring that whatever it is will be the end of PDJT and democracy as we know it, and it’s going to be great.  We will all enjoy it. OK Mrs. Lex is as likely as not to issue one of her “Oh brother” laments, but PDJT will be recharged on the Left’s negativity like one of those coal burning Teslas being charged by a dedicated nuclear power plant.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Shocker, PDJT hung out with and was possibly shook down by beautiful women!!!

Does anyone find it funny that the Lefty Libs (Wily E. Coyote) think that they have finally got PDJT (The Roadrunner) because there is a tape of him negotiating the payoffs of Playboy bunnies and porn stars with his lawyer?? 

First off, I’m pretty sure that we knew that The Donald was never going to be up for the Puritan of the Year award before we voted for him.  The guy has graced the cover of tabloids with this gal or that, been married 3 times and divorced twice, he been a “player” for 40 years.  I’m not sure the conversation on the tape about getting in front of a scandal is going to be the deathblow for PDJT.  If they get that kind of dirt VP Pence, then they’ll have something.

Next, how can the Lefty Libs get bent out of joint with PDJT’s exploits when, whether true or not, they involve consensual liaisons with adult women? Billbo Billyboy Clinton raped and groped his way through his public life when he wasn’t using the White House staff as his private escort service.

As long as Billbo is exempt from the scorn of the “me too” crowd, PDJT will roll along pretty much unscathed with a laminated “get back to me on that when you deal with Billbo” card*.

*NOTE:  The Clinton’s need to be careful.  As their usefulness to the Dope Party diminishes so does Billbo’s immunity from being a letch. As the Dopes swing further and further to the left the Clintons become more and more irrelevant.  When they are thought be a detriment (20 years ago for most of us) among the socialist wing of the Dope Party the more willing the Dopes will be to throw Billyboy and his Sac-O-Crap wife overboard.

Then there’s the whole seedy nature of how the tape was obtained.  Boob Nifong Mueller raided PDJT’s lawyer's office and took tapes that were possibly illegal to make. So you have Shrillda the Hutt’s lawyers getting immunity and are allowed to sit in on the Hutt’s interview and PDJT's lawyer getting raided and charged with crimes.  Most people can see BS in that equation.

Last, had the Dopes not been dumping everything they had on PDJT since inauguration day, some of this stuff might have mattered.  The Boy Who Cried Wolf is not the right reference.  First off, the Left would object to the gender specific nature of the title.  So, it’s out on those grounds.  Second the Boy didn’t cry wolf every 10 minutes, 24-7 for 18 months.  That’s not a trick.  That's just annoying.

It’s more like white noise.  Like the neighbor mowing his lawn.  You know it’s there.  You go about your business as if it isn’t, turn up the TV, speak a bit louder, and just go about your day as best you can.  You eventually get used to noise and only notice it when the neighbor shuts the lawn mower down.

The Demo Dopes are only going to noticed when unlimited supply of hate for this president and the US is set aside for some policy that matters. Right now the ONLY Dope policy that the Dopes have is “WE HATE PDJT”.   

Ol’ Speck has apparently turned on the air conditioning in hell
FLASH!  FLASH!! FLASH!!! A fit of common sense descended onto the 9th Circus Court yesterday.  The Circus Court actually sided with the 27 plain words of the #2A.  The court allowed that Hawaiians have the right to openly carry a weapon in public in Hawaii. 

To be honest, I’m a bit suspect when I see someone open carry.  Why is this guy packing at the Menards? But then, you never know.   I prefer concealed carry, but Hawaii is a “may permit” state that in actuality is a “never permit” state” so open carry is essentially what is left, and I do believe that an armed society is a polite society. 

Open carry is not my thing but this decision is sure to PO all of the right people, so I like it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

PDJT should pull security clearances of everyone outside government

PDJT is thinking about pulling the security clearances of Bungling Barry The Empty Suit’s intel team. The Lefty Libs, as always with PDJT, are melting down.  It’s no big deal.

First, there is a two-part test for viewing any classified material.  One, is having the appropriate clearance.  If I have a “secret” clearance, I cannot view or be “read into” top secret matters.  

Next is the “need to know” test.  Even with the proper clearance, if the material is not germane for me to my job, I am not privilege to the information.  If I have a Top Secret clearance and I'm working on supplying guns to Ukraine, my clearance, by itself, does not allow me sit in on Top Secret briefings on a NASA space shot.  I have no need to know anything about that issue.  

I think when I left the USMC I had to report to the intel security manager and sign some papers acknowledging that I no longer had a security clearance.  The manager then pulled a card from one file, I suppose the “active file” and transferred it to another, I suppose the inactive file.  Then he informed me that my background investigation would be good for, I think, five years.

So I don’t know why anyone who has left government service retains their security clearance for any reason.  They clearly do not have a “need to know”.  I suppose it’d be fine to leave it active if the new administration had any idea of ever bringing them back into government even to act as sounding boards for any reason.

Clearly PDJT has no intent to ever bring TESs azzbag brigade back into government.  So I have no idea why they have a clearance anyway.  But even if the clearance isn’t pulled, the azzbag brigade has no reason to know anything going on in the administration.  So even with the clearance, they are not eligible to view or be briefed on classified material.

And I can tell you this, had I ever been fired from my job or brought up on criminal charges (think Comey and McCabe), my clearance would have been pulled immediately.

This should be such a yawner issue.  It’s only a big deal because of Deep State privilege.  Apparently, deep state azzbags are customarily allowed to keep their clearance even when they have no “need to know”.

The fly in this ointment is that cleared Demo Dopes could pass the info legally to the Deep State azzbag brigade.  Dopes could hide behind a thin veil of seeking informed counsel on certain issues.

It’s also a big deal because PDJT is targeting TES’s lying double dealing azzbag brigade.  So the usual suspects are melting down like Frosty the Snowman hiking on the Kilauea lava flow. (Have I used that one before?  Don’t care.  I like it.)

PDJT could just say, all clearance of anyone outside government are hereby revoked.  You must individually petition the government with specific reasons why your clearance should be reinstated.

That would be an evenhanded way of handling the issue.

Of course that would cause Lefty Lib heads’ to explode just because PDJT said it.

Monday, July 23, 2018

FISA warrant the smoking gun to be ignored by MSM and deep state

The Carter Page FISA warrant is the smoking gun in Boob Nifong Mueller’s bogus witch hunt.  It exposes that the entire 10 ton independent council's charade hangs by a thread suspended by a thumb tack pressed into a cardboard box that is a Shrillda the Hutt manufactured, bought and paid for fantasy. 

It exposes Bungling Barry The Empty Suit’s intel community as the partisan #NEVERTRUMP tools that they were.  PDJT is absolutely correct to question everything the US intel community tells him that was ever touched by one of these crooked as hell azzbags.

So much for Nifong Mueller’s “integrity”.  If he had any integrity he’d resign today.

Mike Flynn ought to demand to be sentenced in his bogus charges plea deal so that PDJT can pardon him on the same day before he leaves the courthouse. 

How great would that be?  Can you imagine the exploding heads on the Left?  That’d be great.     


Nothing will change.  Nifong Mueller’s investigation will continue into Barron Trump's second term.  When Nifong Mueller passes away from old age, he'll hand the never ending investigation off to his rehabilitated deputy Peter Strzok. 

Nobody on the Left is going to go to jail. 

Today’s JG Rant
Re Melinda W. Cappozza’s letter “A golden rule” of 23 Jul, 2018

It’s hard to follow the thesis of the letter.  It starts by indicating that Cappozza “will defend to the death your right” to free speech.  The free speech in this case was a sign outside a church in Auburn: “LGBT is a hate crime against God.” 

It seems stating that she will defend free speech is where Cappozza’s commitment ends.

She gives the impression that she believes that any passerby’s free speech right extends to the point of changing the church’s sign. That of course is a ridiculous proposition.  The church sign is private property.  No passerby has the right to change it, and to do so is the exact opposite of free speech.  It’s intolerance.  The same intolerance toward differing opinion rampant on the Left manifested by Leftist fascists visiting violence on someone for wearing a MAGA hat.  

Next, what if the pastor believes he has the secret to eternal life?  How selfish would he be if he refused to share that secret?  The sign is a warning.  It’s not hate speech. It’s not homophobia. It’s theology.  Readers are free to accept or reject the message.  They are not free to change it.

Last, Jesus teaches us to love the sinner; hate the sin.  He ate with sinners and would leave the 99 to save the one.   The pastor’s sign changes nothing in that equation.

A golden rule
“I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” is a well-known saying.
Recently, there was a news story: The sign outside an Auburn church read, “LGBT is a hate crime against God” (I think that's an extremist opinion). A passer-by took offense and wanted to change the sign; but the pastor defended the sign with its original message. One might suspect the pastor is expressing his homophobia.
While the passer-by has a right to her beliefs, so does the pastor.
Might I remind the pastor that all humans are considered to be God's children. There's also the biblical directive to “love one another as you love yourself.” I've always interpreted that to mean I should treat others as I would like to be treated.
Melinda w. capozza

Friday, July 20, 2018

As will become obvious, I've got nothing

Okay it’s 20 minutes to deadline.  The editor is glaring at me demanding my copy. I’m pecking away furiously as if I’ve got something.  It’s a ruse phonier than the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.  I’ve got nothing.

I’ll continue with this stream of conscience in the hope that something substantive pop into my empty head’

Brett who?  Who is this Kavanaugh character who was under unrelenting attack last Monday by the unhinged Lefty Libs?  Did he die?  He’s disappeared more suddenly than Jimmy Hoffa. Did he have mob ties?

While we’re on the subject of missing persons, what happened to David the TV Hogg?  The Left used him and his useful idiots like an auto mechanic uses a greasy rag to wipe his greasy hands and then discards it like…well…a greasy rag*.

*CAUTION:  Greasy rags will spontaneously combust if compacted in a restricted area.  That means the Hoggsters will spontaneously combust about Nov.

San Fran is allowing illegals to vote in school board elections.  Hmm. What could go wrong?  Well, what happens when the illegals take over the board and demand that classes be taught in Swahili, Mandarin, Somali and Congolese?  I’ll tell you what, the Mexican illegals will start to bitch that they were illegal first and the “new breed” illegals are racists’ azzes.         

Well given that giving illegals the right to vote is a much easier task in San Fran than getting the human feces off the sidewalks, this is no surprise.

Hey maybe the illegals can be hired to clean up after the bums.  After all cleaning up human feces off the sidewalks left there by an army of bums is apparently a job Americans won’t do.   

Dope’s new hope - the commie from NY – claims unemployment is so low because people have two jobs.  Greedy Bastards!  If they’d just give up one of those jobs, we could get unemployment to zero.  Hearing this boneheaded economic argument, one bright guy opined, “That’s like saying shoe sales are strong because most people have two feet.”

I’m no genius but I think the unemployment rate is computed by counting people with zero jobs who are looking for work.

If Dopes are so worried about the security of American elections, why do they oppose voter ID?

Hu oh.  Here he comes.  I think I’m done.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Of course PDJT should not trust the intel community

If you need any more evidence why PDJT doesn’t trust US intel well, former CIA chief and commie party voter Brennan called the president treasonous for mishandling a question after his meeting with Bumbling Barry The Empty Suit’s ol’ buddy Vlad.  If PDJT had only promised Vlad that he could be “more flexible” after the mid-terms, he’d have been fine in Brennan’s commie loving eyes.

Then disgraced former FBI Director, Jimmy the shape shifter Comey – another of those Caligula, D.C. “life-long” Republicans – took his election tampering into the open when he encouraged Americans to vote Dope.  Now notice, the shape shifter didn’t advocate voting against PDJT in 2020.  He advocated voting out Republicans in the mid-term.  Never have I seen better evidence supporting the claim to be a life-long Republican than encouraging Americans to vote DOpe. 

So you’ve got the former heads of two supposedly “apolitical” agencies openly trashing PDJT and his party.  Is it really any wonder that PDJT doesn’t trust the intel community. 

Hell I don’t trust the intel community.  Where the hell were they when TES and his band of incompetents were out claiming the Benghazi attacks were due to a video?  Brennan et al sat back and let the liars lie.

My guess is that Brennan and Comey are caught up in some high level Peter Strzok type hijinks in their agencies directed at throwing the election to Shrillda the Hutt then undermining PDJT when the Hutt got her ample butt kicked. Now their only hope is that Dopes win the house and senate and bring an end to all the investigations into their underhanded BS before their – dare I say – treasonous activities are uncovered.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

TES talks BS does nothing, PDJT man of action

The hypocrisy of the Lefty Lib is legendary.  Bitch about guns while hiring armed men to protect you and your family.  Bitch about Joe six pack’s Ford F150 while traveling in a phalanx of gas guzzling Hummers or Suburbans. Complain about air quality while jetting around in a private aircraft to and fro to pick up your environmental awareness award.

The latest hypocrisy is bitching about PDJT’s coziness with Russia and Putin while forgetting all about:

Bungling Barry The Empty Suit’s Reline in Syria that wasn’t really a redline at all.

TES’s open mic moment when the simpleton told Medvedev to tell ol’ Vlad that TES would have “more flexibility” to sell out America after the election.

TES nixed Poland’s missile defense.

TES’s weakness while he stood by and let Crimea go.

TES’s refusal to arm Ukraine to defend themselves against Russian aggression.

TES’s fecklessness when he did nothing when Russia shot down a Malaysian airliner leaving Ukraine.

The dumbazz Shrillda The Hutt’s mistranslated “reset” button presented with great fanfare to the Russian government’s front man Sergei Lavrov.

Shrillda the Hutt’s transfer of 20% of the US uranium supply to Russia in exchange for millions transferred to the Clinton Crime Family’s money laundering foundation*.

Azzbag rapist and ex-president Billyboy Billbo Clinton’s $500K speech to Russians.  Everyone get half a mil for droning on in Russia apparently*.
*NOTE:  These two items point up a key difference between PDJT and the Clintons.  PDJT became powerful in part because he’s rich. The Clintons became rich solely because they wielded government power and influence.   

For the record:

PDJT’s redline in Syria saw US forces wipe out over 200 Russian surrogates in Syria.

PDJT restored Poland’s missile defense. 

PDJT kicked 60 Russians “diplomats” out and closed their office in WA.

PDJT imposed sanctions on Russia above and beyond what was asked for by congress.

PDJT used the NATO meeting to try to torpedo Russia/Germany pipeline. 

PDJT has ordered lethal military aid to Georgia and Ukraine.

The new song from Dopes is that Russia “must have something” on PDJT.  That’s BS. To blackmail someone, they have to be blackmailable.

PDJT survived the Pee Dossier and the Access Hollywood tape.  If that didn’t sink PDJT what would? PDJJT once said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose a single vote.  Well, in all probability if he shot someone on 5th Ave it would be a New Yorker. So…

If the Russians have something on him it needs to stick it’ll need include bestiality and pedophilia. Otherwise PDJT has proven to be pretty much bulletproof.  

The good news for PDJT is the Dopes are so over the top with their feigned outrage it’s laughable.

PDJT should get the military to conduct some exercises in Baltics.  That would be a very visible sign to Putin and the Dopes that PDJT is serous.  The Dopes of course would protest the exercise as too provocative and would lead to war.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Random thoughts on joint US/Russia presser

Okay, I’ll admit that if your slogan is “America first”, you may not want to put Bungling Barry The Empty Suit’s ol’ buddy Vlad and the Russian government on a par with your own intel services. 

That said when the those services and their findings have been influenced by the likes of Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Oher, McCabe, Comey, Rice, Power et al, - all of whom are partisan weasels and/or criminals who used their positions and the levers of power within the US government to influence the election and/or undermine the president-elect - it makes sense to me to question those findings, particularly if you happen to be PDJT.

Questioning those findings also makes sense when you consider that the CIA admits that they “lost” a classified computer program that leaves markers or computer “fingerprints” that can make it appear as if the Russians had hacked the system.

I think it’s weird that the exact same people who believe Peter Strzok is telling the truth when he says his demonstrated bias never influenced his investigations on Shrillda the Hutt and PDJT can turn around and call Putin a liar when he says Russians didn’t try to manipulate the 2016 election.  Reasonable people believe, nay know, they are both lying sh*ts. 

Also, isn’t it weird that the exact same people who think the US intel community - CIA, DNI, FBI etc. etc. - where full of sh*t when it came to the Iraqi WMD are now touting the exact same agencies as infallible when  it comes to Russian influence on the 2016 election.

What influence?  The same agencies who allege the meddling are quick to point out that there is zero evidence that not so many as a single vote was changed by the Russian’s alleged activities.

But, hell yeah, the sun rises in the east.  The Russians screw with the US.  Tell me something that The Empty Suit wasn’t already aware of BEFORE the election and did squat to stop.

Russian meddling ONLY became a problem when Shrillda the Hutt got her extra wide azz kicked on 8 Nov, 2016.

And to PDJT’s point, where is the DNC server?  Why hasn’t it been turned over to the FBI for inspection?  Did the DNC subvert its own Primary?

The reaction to the joint presser is as comical as it is predictable.  CNN azzbag Chris Fredo Cuomo is calling the Russian meddling that changed not even one vote an “act of war”. Fine Fredo.  Grab your gear and head to Ukraine and fight you some Russians. Put up or shut up, coward.

The more common refrain among the unhinged is that PDJT committed treason by not siding with the US intel community calling his own election illegitimate.  If that’s indeed the case, that you must stand by the intel community no matter what, there will not be enough room in the federal prison system to lock up all the Demo-Dope azzbags who have, in the past, questioned the very intel services they now swear by. 

My sense is that even if it were treason, the Lefty Libs have so overused the word with regard to this president that the general public’s reaction will be, “Meh, there they go again.”

I’m sure the Lefty Libs and #NEVERTRUMP azzbags are thinking that they’ve finally got PDJT.  There’s no way he’s going to get away this time.  PDJT will tweet something this morning and they will off on a tangent like the bloodhounds in the Cool Hand Luke movie running themselves to death.

My sense is that this is another MSM Caligula, D.C. contrived controversy.  I get that feeling from my own thinking on the subject expressed above, but also because Mrs. Lex – the rational half this team – has called BS on the entire over-blown crap cake.

My advice to any Rat establishment Republican or “conservative” pundit who thinks they have an advantage trashing the president remains, Ride the Trump Tiger, because if you get off, he will surely eat you. 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Boob Nifong Mueller indicts Bigfoot for meddling

Well, of course he didn’t, but the net result of indicting 12 Russian GRU officers has the exact same effect.   First, indicting 12 Russians is like having a photo of Bigfoot.  It proves nothing.  Second, the indicted Russians have the exact same probability of showing up in court as Bigfoot.

Another thing Boob’s indictment has in common with a Bigfoot photo is that the MSM is running with the indictment story like the National Enquirer runs with Bigfoot photos.  Here’s the thing. Everyone knows the Russians meddle.  Everyone knows the Bigfoot photo is fake.

Then there’s this.  One great legal mind opined that Nifong Mueller’s indictment is significant because once you have a conspiracy indictment, whether or not you can or even intend to prove it, it becomes easier to indict others on the periphery of the indicted person.  So if you manage to indict Bigfoot on a conspiracy charge, it then becomes easier to indict others who say they saw Bigfoot or claim to have photographed him.

The Left’s great hero Bungling Barry The Empty Suit knew the Russians were meddling, and issued one of his dire “red lines”, telling his old buddy Vlad to “knock it off”.  Like everyone threatened by TES, ol’ Vlad laughed his azz off and gave TES the finger. 

When Vlad was depantsing TES in front of the world, TES said and did nothing.  When candidate Trump brought up the possibility of a “rigged election,” TES famously told the world that, due to the decentralized nature of American general elections, it was impossible to affect the outcome of such elections.

Russian meddling ONLY became a problem when the lying, thieving, rape enabling Shrillda the Hutt got her extra wide azz kicked on 8 Nov, 2016. Then the Dopes were like Mike Tyson trying to explain how he got his azz kicked by Buster Douglas.  Then and only then was Russian meddling considered to be a serious threat.  No, strike that.  It was never a threat.  Then and only then did the Dopes pretend that Russian meddling was a serious threat.

Now the Dopes are demanding that PDJT cancel his summit with Putin because Nifong Mueller’s team of angry Dopes stumbled across a truth everyone knows. Canceling is  a bad move.  Nifong Mueller probably timed his bombshell (the sun rises in the East – Russians meddle) indictments to torpedo PDJT’s summit. It might have the opposite effect. Now PDJT has something to throw up in Putin’s ugly KGB mug.  He has proof to confront Putin with now.  Perfect timing to have a summit for maximum effect.

So what happens if Ol’ Vlad says he knew nothing about GRU meddling until he read about it in the papers?  You know, just like Bungling Barry The Empty Suit claimed he didn’t know anything about IRS corruption, his disgraced Attorney General Eric the wad Holder’s boneheaded gun running scheme to Mexican drug lords or Shrillda the Hutt’s BS server arrangement until he read about it in the paper.  What then?  Believable?

Then there’s whole Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Lynch, Power, Clapper, Rice, Rhodes deep state BS machine weaponizing the US government against The Donald.  So, I’m willing to stipulate the Russian government meddled in the 2016 election on behalf of PDJT if the Left will stipulate that the US government meddled on behalf of Shrillda the Hutt.  Incompetent government crap weasels acting like the incompetent government crap weasels that they are, it’s no wonder Trump won.

Here’s the thing - the big difference - we expect the Russians to screw us.  We don’t expect our own government to screw us. 

Disclaimer:  Nothing in the above should be taken to cast aspersion on the actual existence of Bigfoot.  Of course Bigfoot exists.  I've seen him in those Jack's Link Beef Jerky commercials under the pseudonym "Sasquatch". So, there's that. 

PDJT stumbles into win by offending Theresa May
PDJT took British PM Therese May to task in the UK London Sun telling the paper a “soft Brexit” would kill any bilateral trade deals between Briton and the US.  The Lefty Libs, as they are wont to do, melted down.

So what was the result of PDJT’s remarks?  Theresa May was forced to say on the record at least three times in Friday’s joint presser that the spirit of the Brexit vote would be honored and that the UK would be free of the EU by March 2019.

That effect was missed by many on the right and ignored by the Left.

I do not know if PDJT’s remarks were made with the intent to force May to publicly acknowledge a Brexit that conforms with the vote of the British people, but that was the effect.  If not, PDJT has stumbled into another win.