Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Left's repeated meltdowns purify Dope Party, make it more radioactive

Having lost the 2016 election – the most winnable in history for Demo-Dopes – to PDJT, the Dopes are again melting down what has already been melted down hundreds of times since Inauguration Day.

In that regard, the Dopes are like Madame Curie.  Curie started with tons of ore and melted it down over and over (again) to purify it separating the radioactive material from the common elements.  What was left was a tiny very dangerous fraction of what she started with.

So the Dopes have started with a majority of the general election votes and by their purification method of resisting everything PDJT has done since, has separated the party form its rational members and like Curie, have left the Libs with fewer and fewer but more dangerous members with each purification.

Now the Libs are melting down again over Brett Kavanaugh.  It’s a stupid move.  Kavanaugh is an unknown Supreme Court quantity.  His past isn’t unknown, but his performance on the SC is totally unknown.  How many times have conservatives been scammed by a “conservative” SC appointments?

The absolute worst case for the Dopes is that Kavanaugh follows the constitution.  The funny thing is that the Dopes’ main fear is guy looking at the constitution as written. 

With Justice Ginsberg at age 85, the Left Wing end of the court may be in danger of losing another vote before the end of PDJT’s second term – certainly by the end of Mike Pence’s 8 years.  If the Left is in an uncontrollable rage over a supposedly slightly more conservative (Kavanaugh) replacing a slightly less conservative justice (Kennedy), what’s their reaction going to be if PDJT gets to replace Ginsberg with Amy Coney Barrett?

The left knows they are screwed.  For all of their posturing and over the top demagogic rhetoric about Kavanaugh, they know that they are playing a four suited hand with no two cards that match or are even in sequence.  They have nothing so they are bluffing.  The problem with the bluff is that PDJT already knows every card in their hand. 

And in the end, if PDJT pulls the nomination today then what?  Another conservative nomination, that’s what.  The Dopes are trying to delay revealing their hand until the midterms when they hope to draw three new cards.  If the Dopes try to slow walk Kavanaug’s hearings, Mitch McConnell should say, “FINE!  If you need more time, the senate will be in session 24-7 until the vote on Kavanaugh is held, which if confirmed will be in time for Kavanaugh to take his seat when the SC session opens on 1 Oct.”

Knowing they have nothing, the Dopes last line of defense is said to be several court packing schemes designed to dilute PDJT’s court picks.  Here’s one with more moving parts than a Rube Goldberg design for a self-cleaning house.

When people see these schemes, I’m pretty sure they will see through them.  As for SC nominations, like Popes, I’m not sure life-time appointment is the way to go. But justices can get out when a president of their liking will appoint a successor of their liking.  In that regard maybe Justice Thomas, age 68, will be next to announce his retirement.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The Meltdown or rendering, has yielded socialists. Hard to believe but the elections this year will center around this discussion. And the Dems are the ones forcing the topic. If socialism is our future then vote Dem. If I am wrong the Dems need to clear this up.