Thursday, July 12, 2018

Telling the truth PDJT's newest crime against humanity

Just Monday the Lefty Libs melted down over the Brett Kavanaugh nomination for SCOTUS.  Even before the gelatinous mess that is the Lefty Lib movement had cooled and solidified after the Kavanaugh meltdown, it boiled over again when PDJT showed up in Brussels and told the truth about NATO. 

The Lefty Libs are in serious trouble on NATO, because it is such an easy issue for Americans to understand.  There are 29 NATO members.  America pays 4% of GDP to NATO defense.  That makes the US responsible for 70-90% of the NATO budget.  The majority of other countries do not even meet the 2% of GDP payments they committed to. Many are poor and incapable of meeting the commitment.  Others are rich but still refuse to pay their fair share. 

One refuses to meet its commitment on the one hand while stabbing NATO in the back with the other by cavorting the enemy that NATO was founded to protect against.  When PDJT pointed this undeniable fact out the Lefty libs melted…again.  The problem for the Lefty Libs is that everyone except the numbskulls at CNN and PMSNBC can see what a duplicitous backstabbing bunch the Hun bastards are being with their exclusive Russian pipeline deal.

ASIDE:  PDJT should sit next Merkle at a photo op and casually mention, “If Russian relationships ever do go south the first thing the US Navy will be tasked to do is cut then destroy your F-ing pipeline.” Or a more subtle, “Nice pipeline you have there, Angie.  It’d be a shame if the world’s best navy came along and wrecked it.”    

Some people say telling your morbidly obese child to go on a diet is horrible.  No.  It’s not.  It’s what is best for the child.  You cannot help the child by feeding him more pie and pretending everything is fine. At some point, if you want to help the child, you have to confront the elephant in the room (pun intended).  PDJT confronted the NATO elephant that everyone has been tiptoeing around for decades but refused to acknowledge.

Lex has pointed out that Uncle Sam has provided security for Europe for the last 70 years.  That allowed the unthankful azzbag Europeans to invest in autos, cameras, infrastructure, public welfare programs etc. – anything/everything but their own defense.  PDJT has just told them thee free ride is over.

Joe six pack is sitting at the bar saying, “damn straight”.  The Lefty libs are reaching for a powder and pulling out the fainting couch.

PREDICTION:  When NATO agrees to get to the 2% quicker, the Lefty Libs will lampoon PDJT for falling for more NATO BS fallow promises. “They’ve made these promises before.  PDJT is an idiot for thinking they will spend more. Blah, blah, blah…”

Another aside:  Will NATO really go to war with Russia over Albania?  Kinda doubt a country that will not defend itself will have the stomach to go to war over someone else. 

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