Friday, July 20, 2018

As will become obvious, I've got nothing

Okay it’s 20 minutes to deadline.  The editor is glaring at me demanding my copy. I’m pecking away furiously as if I’ve got something.  It’s a ruse phonier than the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.  I’ve got nothing.

I’ll continue with this stream of conscience in the hope that something substantive pop into my empty head’

Brett who?  Who is this Kavanaugh character who was under unrelenting attack last Monday by the unhinged Lefty Libs?  Did he die?  He’s disappeared more suddenly than Jimmy Hoffa. Did he have mob ties?

While we’re on the subject of missing persons, what happened to David the TV Hogg?  The Left used him and his useful idiots like an auto mechanic uses a greasy rag to wipe his greasy hands and then discards it like…well…a greasy rag*.

*CAUTION:  Greasy rags will spontaneously combust if compacted in a restricted area.  That means the Hoggsters will spontaneously combust about Nov.

San Fran is allowing illegals to vote in school board elections.  Hmm. What could go wrong?  Well, what happens when the illegals take over the board and demand that classes be taught in Swahili, Mandarin, Somali and Congolese?  I’ll tell you what, the Mexican illegals will start to bitch that they were illegal first and the “new breed” illegals are racists’ azzes.         

Well given that giving illegals the right to vote is a much easier task in San Fran than getting the human feces off the sidewalks, this is no surprise.

Hey maybe the illegals can be hired to clean up after the bums.  After all cleaning up human feces off the sidewalks left there by an army of bums is apparently a job Americans won’t do.   

Dope’s new hope - the commie from NY – claims unemployment is so low because people have two jobs.  Greedy Bastards!  If they’d just give up one of those jobs, we could get unemployment to zero.  Hearing this boneheaded economic argument, one bright guy opined, “That’s like saying shoe sales are strong because most people have two feet.”

I’m no genius but I think the unemployment rate is computed by counting people with zero jobs who are looking for work.

If Dopes are so worried about the security of American elections, why do they oppose voter ID?

Hu oh.  Here he comes.  I think I’m done.

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