Wednesday, July 18, 2018

TES talks BS does nothing, PDJT man of action

The hypocrisy of the Lefty Lib is legendary.  Bitch about guns while hiring armed men to protect you and your family.  Bitch about Joe six pack’s Ford F150 while traveling in a phalanx of gas guzzling Hummers or Suburbans. Complain about air quality while jetting around in a private aircraft to and fro to pick up your environmental awareness award.

The latest hypocrisy is bitching about PDJT’s coziness with Russia and Putin while forgetting all about:

Bungling Barry The Empty Suit’s Reline in Syria that wasn’t really a redline at all.

TES’s open mic moment when the simpleton told Medvedev to tell ol’ Vlad that TES would have “more flexibility” to sell out America after the election.

TES nixed Poland’s missile defense.

TES’s weakness while he stood by and let Crimea go.

TES’s refusal to arm Ukraine to defend themselves against Russian aggression.

TES’s fecklessness when he did nothing when Russia shot down a Malaysian airliner leaving Ukraine.

The dumbazz Shrillda The Hutt’s mistranslated “reset” button presented with great fanfare to the Russian government’s front man Sergei Lavrov.

Shrillda the Hutt’s transfer of 20% of the US uranium supply to Russia in exchange for millions transferred to the Clinton Crime Family’s money laundering foundation*.

Azzbag rapist and ex-president Billyboy Billbo Clinton’s $500K speech to Russians.  Everyone get half a mil for droning on in Russia apparently*.
*NOTE:  These two items point up a key difference between PDJT and the Clintons.  PDJT became powerful in part because he’s rich. The Clintons became rich solely because they wielded government power and influence.   

For the record:

PDJT’s redline in Syria saw US forces wipe out over 200 Russian surrogates in Syria.

PDJT restored Poland’s missile defense. 

PDJT kicked 60 Russians “diplomats” out and closed their office in WA.

PDJT imposed sanctions on Russia above and beyond what was asked for by congress.

PDJT used the NATO meeting to try to torpedo Russia/Germany pipeline. 

PDJT has ordered lethal military aid to Georgia and Ukraine.

The new song from Dopes is that Russia “must have something” on PDJT.  That’s BS. To blackmail someone, they have to be blackmailable.

PDJT survived the Pee Dossier and the Access Hollywood tape.  If that didn’t sink PDJT what would? PDJJT once said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose a single vote.  Well, in all probability if he shot someone on 5th Ave it would be a New Yorker. So…

If the Russians have something on him it needs to stick it’ll need include bestiality and pedophilia. Otherwise PDJT has proven to be pretty much bulletproof.  

The good news for PDJT is the Dopes are so over the top with their feigned outrage it’s laughable.

PDJT should get the military to conduct some exercises in Baltics.  That would be a very visible sign to Putin and the Dopes that PDJT is serous.  The Dopes of course would protest the exercise as too provocative and would lead to war.

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