Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Random thoughts on joint US/Russia presser

Okay, I’ll admit that if your slogan is “America first”, you may not want to put Bungling Barry The Empty Suit’s ol’ buddy Vlad and the Russian government on a par with your own intel services. 

That said when the those services and their findings have been influenced by the likes of Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Oher, McCabe, Comey, Rice, Power et al, - all of whom are partisan weasels and/or criminals who used their positions and the levers of power within the US government to influence the election and/or undermine the president-elect - it makes sense to me to question those findings, particularly if you happen to be PDJT.

Questioning those findings also makes sense when you consider that the CIA admits that they “lost” a classified computer program that leaves markers or computer “fingerprints” that can make it appear as if the Russians had hacked the system.

I think it’s weird that the exact same people who believe Peter Strzok is telling the truth when he says his demonstrated bias never influenced his investigations on Shrillda the Hutt and PDJT can turn around and call Putin a liar when he says Russians didn’t try to manipulate the 2016 election.  Reasonable people believe, nay know, they are both lying sh*ts. 

Also, isn’t it weird that the exact same people who think the US intel community - CIA, DNI, FBI etc. etc. - where full of sh*t when it came to the Iraqi WMD are now touting the exact same agencies as infallible when  it comes to Russian influence on the 2016 election.

What influence?  The same agencies who allege the meddling are quick to point out that there is zero evidence that not so many as a single vote was changed by the Russian’s alleged activities.

But, hell yeah, the sun rises in the east.  The Russians screw with the US.  Tell me something that The Empty Suit wasn’t already aware of BEFORE the election and did squat to stop.

Russian meddling ONLY became a problem when Shrillda the Hutt got her extra wide azz kicked on 8 Nov, 2016.

And to PDJT’s point, where is the DNC server?  Why hasn’t it been turned over to the FBI for inspection?  Did the DNC subvert its own Primary?

The reaction to the joint presser is as comical as it is predictable.  CNN azzbag Chris Fredo Cuomo is calling the Russian meddling that changed not even one vote an “act of war”. Fine Fredo.  Grab your gear and head to Ukraine and fight you some Russians. Put up or shut up, coward.

The more common refrain among the unhinged is that PDJT committed treason by not siding with the US intel community calling his own election illegitimate.  If that’s indeed the case, that you must stand by the intel community no matter what, there will not be enough room in the federal prison system to lock up all the Demo-Dope azzbags who have, in the past, questioned the very intel services they now swear by. 

My sense is that even if it were treason, the Lefty Libs have so overused the word with regard to this president that the general public’s reaction will be, “Meh, there they go again.”

I’m sure the Lefty Libs and #NEVERTRUMP azzbags are thinking that they’ve finally got PDJT.  There’s no way he’s going to get away this time.  PDJT will tweet something this morning and they will off on a tangent like the bloodhounds in the Cool Hand Luke movie running themselves to death.

My sense is that this is another MSM Caligula, D.C. contrived controversy.  I get that feeling from my own thinking on the subject expressed above, but also because Mrs. Lex – the rational half this team – has called BS on the entire over-blown crap cake.

My advice to any Rat establishment Republican or “conservative” pundit who thinks they have an advantage trashing the president remains, Ride the Trump Tiger, because if you get off, he will surely eat you. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I recall in West Germany in the 1970s as a young airman how we sent F4s and F16s at high speed into East Germany. Just a few miles into the airspace. Soviets did the reverse. Our pols called it provocations when they did it while admitting we did not do it. So if in the future Trump shuts down the Russian electrical grid will he admit it? Or just say he will look into it and get back to Vlad. Additionally our top Intel guys are fighting the citizens and Trump about what they have done. Cover up. Trump being criticized for not supporting our top Intel guys? That is rich.