Thursday, July 26, 2018

PDJT thrives on the Left's negativity

Uh oh, the recession, depression, economic downturn and the end of the world have failed to materialize after PDJT placed tariffs or threatened to place tariffs on the EU.  In fact, the EU caved and is willing to work toward zero tariffs.

Is that too much winning?

If not, consider that when the EU caves it puts the US in a stronger position against China and that historical threat to world-wide peace and security Canada. 

Then consider that the American economy is expected to break 4% growth and is humming along at a pace that is the envy of the world. 

Then consider that America is on track to become the #1 energy exporter. A lot of that energy is going to be heading to the EU knocking another hole in Russia’s already pathetic economy.

Then consider the architect of the American resurgence – PDJT.  It is unlikely that PDJT is going to take council from the pearl clutching azzbags in Caligula, D.C. warning of Armageddon if we do not allow the rest of the world to treat us like crapola with regard to trade.

ASIDE:  Seems to me that PDJT is like some energy vampire that thrives on the negative energy directed at him since Inauguration Day. Has there been one day, just one, when PDJT was not dominating the news cycle?  He apparently thrives on the negativity.  If the MSM, Dopes (one in the same), #NEVERTRUMPERs and the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd really wanted sack PDJT, they’d ignore him for a week. No one would know how to act. PDJT might start wandering the White House lawn naked to get some buzz going.

Consider that N Korea is set to release 50+ sets of US remains on Fri.  Set to release?  Yeah, who really knows what Lil’ Rocket Man is going to do.  But will the TDS crowd in the MSM going to give PDJT a speck of credit for that development?  No.  Oh HELL no.

Today PDJT is going to tweet, do or say something that is going to have the TDS knuckleheads pulling their hair out and declaring that whatever it is will be the end of PDJT and democracy as we know it, and it’s going to be great.  We will all enjoy it. OK Mrs. Lex is as likely as not to issue one of her “Oh brother” laments, but PDJT will be recharged on the Left’s negativity like one of those coal burning Teslas being charged by a dedicated nuclear power plant.

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