Monday, July 16, 2018

Boob Nifong Mueller indicts Bigfoot for meddling

Well, of course he didn’t, but the net result of indicting 12 Russian GRU officers has the exact same effect.   First, indicting 12 Russians is like having a photo of Bigfoot.  It proves nothing.  Second, the indicted Russians have the exact same probability of showing up in court as Bigfoot.

Another thing Boob’s indictment has in common with a Bigfoot photo is that the MSM is running with the indictment story like the National Enquirer runs with Bigfoot photos.  Here’s the thing. Everyone knows the Russians meddle.  Everyone knows the Bigfoot photo is fake.

Then there’s this.  One great legal mind opined that Nifong Mueller’s indictment is significant because once you have a conspiracy indictment, whether or not you can or even intend to prove it, it becomes easier to indict others on the periphery of the indicted person.  So if you manage to indict Bigfoot on a conspiracy charge, it then becomes easier to indict others who say they saw Bigfoot or claim to have photographed him.

The Left’s great hero Bungling Barry The Empty Suit knew the Russians were meddling, and issued one of his dire “red lines”, telling his old buddy Vlad to “knock it off”.  Like everyone threatened by TES, ol’ Vlad laughed his azz off and gave TES the finger. 

When Vlad was depantsing TES in front of the world, TES said and did nothing.  When candidate Trump brought up the possibility of a “rigged election,” TES famously told the world that, due to the decentralized nature of American general elections, it was impossible to affect the outcome of such elections.

Russian meddling ONLY became a problem when the lying, thieving, rape enabling Shrillda the Hutt got her extra wide azz kicked on 8 Nov, 2016. Then the Dopes were like Mike Tyson trying to explain how he got his azz kicked by Buster Douglas.  Then and only then was Russian meddling considered to be a serious threat.  No, strike that.  It was never a threat.  Then and only then did the Dopes pretend that Russian meddling was a serious threat.

Now the Dopes are demanding that PDJT cancel his summit with Putin because Nifong Mueller’s team of angry Dopes stumbled across a truth everyone knows. Canceling is  a bad move.  Nifong Mueller probably timed his bombshell (the sun rises in the East – Russians meddle) indictments to torpedo PDJT’s summit. It might have the opposite effect. Now PDJT has something to throw up in Putin’s ugly KGB mug.  He has proof to confront Putin with now.  Perfect timing to have a summit for maximum effect.

So what happens if Ol’ Vlad says he knew nothing about GRU meddling until he read about it in the papers?  You know, just like Bungling Barry The Empty Suit claimed he didn’t know anything about IRS corruption, his disgraced Attorney General Eric the wad Holder’s boneheaded gun running scheme to Mexican drug lords or Shrillda the Hutt’s BS server arrangement until he read about it in the paper.  What then?  Believable?

Then there’s whole Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Lynch, Power, Clapper, Rice, Rhodes deep state BS machine weaponizing the US government against The Donald.  So, I’m willing to stipulate the Russian government meddled in the 2016 election on behalf of PDJT if the Left will stipulate that the US government meddled on behalf of Shrillda the Hutt.  Incompetent government crap weasels acting like the incompetent government crap weasels that they are, it’s no wonder Trump won.

Here’s the thing - the big difference - we expect the Russians to screw us.  We don’t expect our own government to screw us. 

Disclaimer:  Nothing in the above should be taken to cast aspersion on the actual existence of Bigfoot.  Of course Bigfoot exists.  I've seen him in those Jack's Link Beef Jerky commercials under the pseudonym "Sasquatch". So, there's that. 

PDJT stumbles into win by offending Theresa May
PDJT took British PM Therese May to task in the UK London Sun telling the paper a “soft Brexit” would kill any bilateral trade deals between Briton and the US.  The Lefty Libs, as they are wont to do, melted down.

So what was the result of PDJT’s remarks?  Theresa May was forced to say on the record at least three times in Friday’s joint presser that the spirit of the Brexit vote would be honored and that the UK would be free of the EU by March 2019.

That effect was missed by many on the right and ignored by the Left.

I do not know if PDJT’s remarks were made with the intent to force May to publicly acknowledge a Brexit that conforms with the vote of the British people, but that was the effect.  If not, PDJT has stumbled into another win.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Who knew Russia posed cyber threats to the US? Everyone except Debbie Blabbermouth, John Podesta, and Shillary. Someone needs to inform them on Nigerian Bank Scams and quick. And G-Man Rosenstien is an idiot. He learned nothing from Comey running to the cameras. Rosey looked a fool. Next he will call a presser to tell us North Korea counterfeits US dollar bills! Well no sh*t Sherlock! You are doing a heck of a job!