Monday, July 09, 2018

And the nominee is...

PDJT will announce his pick for SCOTUS tonight at 9pm.  By 9:01 the left will have filled the name into their one size fits all protest signs and TV ads opposing the nomination. 

One of the Left’s new talking points is that the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society were responsible for vetting PDJT’s list of 25 possible nominees. I say hurray!  No more Souters, no more O’Connors and dare I say, no more Kennedys.

Have you noticed that liberal SC justices never get more conservative, but about ½ of conservative justices get more liberal over time on SCOTUS?  

It’s important to get reliably conservative picks.  So, being a businessman, candidate Trump outsourced the development of a list that would appeal to his base.  In that regard, PDJT’s pick(s) for SCOTUS are the most transparent in history.  When Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer says to wait until after the election – the obvious response is, “We’ve already voted on PDJT’s SC list.  It was out there prior to the general election.  What’s happening now that has the Dopes’ shorts in knot is that PDJT is doing what he said he would do.  The list IS the list.”

To which the Dopes will reply, “That’s outrageous!!  Politicians just don’t do the things that they promise on the campaign trail.” That’s an impeachable offence for the ruling class azzbags in Caligula, D.C.

If Indiana is any indication, PDJT has the Dopes between a rock as hard as Low IQ Maxine Water’s head and a place harder than Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser’s lips after a double botox treatment. 

Sen Mexico Joe Donnelley (Dope IN) is already getting hammered from the left to just say no to anyone PDJT nominates.  If he bends voting in favor of PDJT’s pick in order to get to the political middle, the Left’s unhinged base will desert him.  If he votes no, he will be exposed as the know-nothing, do-nothing, be-nothing obstructionist azzbag that he is.  Either way, he's toast.

I think that same dynamic plays out in places like MO, WV, MT, OH, ND, FL, PA where PDJT won and Dope incumbents are up for re-election.  

Rat establishment Republicans are running scared.  They are holding a royal flush but are still worried the Dopes have the winning hand.  Mitch McConnell is calling for a more moderate candidate that can get through the senate more easily. 

Well, if we believe the Dopes, all 25 judges on PDJT’s list are unacceptable to the Dopes.  So WTH.  Go for broke.  Pick Amy Coney Barrett and let the Dopes vote against a Catholic woman with 7 kids.  Practicing Catholics are kind of a liberal bunch.  If Catholics voted in 95% lockstep like black Americans they could determine every election.

They don’t. Persecution of a qualified Catholic female SC nominee by rabid Dopes like DiFi may push them in a more conservative direction.

PDJT is a genius.  Heretofore, such announcement were made in the middle of the afternoon. The only thing anyone saw of the nominee was what the MSM azzbags wanted us to see on the 6 o’clock news.  PDJT is holding a prime time announcement impossible for the MSM to ignore. As a result PDJT will get the first word unfiltered to make the case for his nominee.  Brilliant!

North Korea raises its ugly head…again
N Korea has returned to form. The N Korean propaganda arm trashed Sec State Mike Pompao during his latest visit. It could mean nothing, after all it a “propaganda” arm.  Anyway, PDJT needs to smack Lil’ Rocket Man around with another round of sanctions.

The Left is using Lil” Rocket Man’s antics as fodder for trashing PDJT upcoming summit with Putin.  One idiot actually asked, “Is PDJT going to give away Crimea?”  Idiot!  The Empty Suit already gave away Crimea. PDJT should threaten war with Russia over Crimea and watch the Lefty libs grab powder and head for the fainting couch.  Which is the problem with libs.  You can give them what they ask for (low mino unemployment, equal access to colleges, etc.) and they still bitch. In that regard Lefty Libs are exactly like the perpetually aggrieved Islamo-Terror-Fascists.  No matter what, they are gonna bitch. 

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