Tuesday, July 03, 2018

SCOTUS pick latest 5 alarm fire for Libs proof America's coming back

On the eve of the 4th of July, there’s a reason to celebrate.  A scant two years ago we were on the brink of losing the country, now we’re on the brink of PDJT’s second Supreme Court nomination. 

Had the “Republican” #NEVERTRUMPers had their way, we’d be on the brink of Shrillda the Hutt’s second pick and a 6-3 Lib SCOTUS majority for the next 40 years whose judicial philosophy can best be summed up by lifting and tweaking that great line from Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Imagined with your best Mexican accent): “Constitution?  We don’t need no stinkin’ constitution.”
It seems to me, with regard to SCOTUS, the very best we right thinking people can do is maintain.  If we pick the perfect nominee, the best we can hope for is a constitutionalist.  We will NEVER get a conservative activist judge – as those two terms seem mutually exclusive.

The Dopes on the other hand never get anything worse than what is supposed to be, and when Dopes get to make the choice, they have no qualms what-so-ever about picking jurists who will look to the world court, opinion polls, the ACLU, the SPLC, the communist manifesto – or just plain make it up (See Roe V, Wade) for their legal reasoning. 

For the Lib bunch, the constitution is living breathing thing.  How’d you like play a poker game with living breathing rules?  What the Libs want is affirmative action in legal proceedings.

You watch, no matter who PDJT nominates one of the first lines of attack from the Dopes will be Judge XX always sides with corporate interests.  Well, corporate interests have rights under the law.  So it seems to me if the corporation is on the right side of the law, no matter how poor the plaintiff is, the corporation should win.

The funniest thing is to hear the Dopes deride PDJT’s nominee before the name is even announced.  Roe’s dead, blacks will be sent back to the back of the bus, women’s voting rights will be repealed, children will be forced to work 16 hours a day in meatpacking plants, etc. etc.

As noted, the worst that can happen to the Dopes is that the constitution is invoked.  For Roe, the worst that can happen is that abortion law will be settled by the several states – federalism.  Like the laws on weed. 

My guess is that if Roe is overturned in on day one of the new SC Justice’s confirmation – nothing would change.  Abortion would still be available up to one year after birth in the Lib states and more reasonably restricted in red states.

The Lefty Libs seem to have an unlimited reservoir of outrage, angst, fear and loathing.  Every single thing PDJT does triggers an over the top reaction.  How can anyone sustain that?  It cannot be healthy. It is, to an extent, fun to watch. I wonder what kind loon it takes to harass a complete stranger at a restaurant, support MS-13, call for abolishing ICE etc. etc.  It take a Dope loon, a set of the whole.  It’s no more complicated than that.

My hope is that PDJT picks the Catholic chick with 7 kids –Amy Coney Barrett.  That might just drive the Lefty Libs over the edge. When she was being grilled for her seat on the circuit court, DiFi asked her if she really believed in all of that Jesus sh*t.  Okay she didn’t put it in those exact words, but the meaning was clear.   

So the dumbazzes on the Judiciary Committee have apparently never stumbled across that part of the Constitution that forbids religious tests.  Article VI: …but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.  

I’m trying to recall my state of mind during 8 years of The Empty Suit.  As I recall, my philosophy was to fight the good fight.  Buy guns and ammo. Support right thinking candidates and causes.  Write a letter to the editor etc.  I do not recall “Buy a cable lock to beat The Empty Suit’s supporters over the head” being on my “to do” list.

My argument was with the smarmy Empty Suit and his smarmy appointees not necessarily his supporters. Although, I do still give anyone with TES sticker on their car a wide berth because I think they may be crazy.  I don’t think my entire life was ruled by rage for TES like so many Lefty Lib’s lives seem to be governed by rage for PDJT. 

It’s a sin, but I still take a certain amount of joy in Lefty Libs’ continuous state of rage.  I’d feel sorry for them, but all they have to do is turn off the TV, read a book, go for walk, buy a gun.  It worked for me.

So life is good.  Lefty Libs are on the run.  Self-loathing Rat establishment Republicans are looking dumber than ever protesting and resisting the exact same stuff they fought for all their lives.  Barring a miracle indictment from Boob Nifong Mueller, PDJT’s SCOTUS nomination is going to go through or spell further disaster for Dopes in the midterm election.  

Life is good.  Happy Birthday America.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

There seems to be a "Loon Competition" in full swing. Maybe because they feel threatened. Political correctness is ebbing. When lefties call every other person a Nazi it looses meaning. Especially coming from national socialists. But yesterday's loon was mild. Last week's loon nearly forgotten. And there seems no end to loon train. Whats next? The batsh** crazy nutball loons are lined up from now to November. All trying to out-do each other. It will be hilarious.