Monday, July 30, 2018

Azzweasels gonna azzweasel on the border wall

When asked about PDJT last week Lex opined, “Given all of the alternatives, I hopped on the Trump tiger pretty early in the game.”  The ensuing conversation was interesting in that it focused on PDJT’s personality and most of all on the tweets.  There was very little talk of policy.

I noted that I was NEVER going to vote for Shrillda the Hutt.  The only viable candidate, after he won the Republican primary, was Trump.  As I put it, I’d have low-crawled, on my belly like a reptile, naked over broken glass to vote for Trump. Apparently, others shared my motivation.  

After all, the balance of the Supreme Court hung in the balance.  Had the Hutt won, we’d truly be screwed.  Given the current trajectory, the Hutt would be moving her second SC choice through the senate giving the court a significant 6-3 leftward tilt for decades particularly after the ancient Ruth Ginsberg tenured her notice.

That does not affect #NEVERTRUMP Rat establishment Republicans in the least.  In the face of conservative policies and appointments, they continue to rail against PDJT.  According to a couple of these nitwits, better to vote Dope than to let PDJT continue to tweet* unabated.

*NOTE:  It has to be the tweets.  It cannot be the adoption of policies these #NEVERTRUMP azzbags have supposedly argued for their entire public careers.

Now the ReR in congress, in the persons of Pauly Walnuts and Mitch McConnell, are going to put a budget in front of PDJT that does not include funding for the wall or immigration reform. This kind of namby-pamby BS from the ReRs is exactly why PDJT curb stomped 17 establishment Republican.

The ReRs have the advantage, but, being spineless career politicians, they refuse to push it.  Better to play it safe until after the mid-terms.  Don’t rock the vote.  We have 195 year plan for getting things done.  That’s how politicians move, at the speed of politics.

PDJT moves at the speed of business.  Press your advantage while you have it. 

What is baffling about this is that the ReRs are not ducking unpopular votes.  They are ducking popular positions. All of PDJT’s immigration policy is shared by the majority of Americans.  So, why not get it done?
Well there’s the “azzweasel” theory.  That theory goes that they are all azzweasel politicians afraid of their own shadows, afraid of anyone in power that isn’t an azzweasel politician.   
The Caligula, D.C. azzweasel Prime Directive is that azzweasels close and ranks like a Spartan phalanx to protect other azzweasels.  And like the Spartan phalanx, the loss of a single azzweasel threatens the entire phalanx.

PDJT is challenging the natural order of things threatening azzweasels everywhere.  That is why he has become the target of so many azzweasels.  Even the right-wing azzweasels.  

Note to azzweasels:  The phalanx is broken.  Corker is gone.  Flake is gone.  The entire Bush family is now more associated with Billbo Billyboy Clinton than Republicans. George Will, Johnna Goldberg, Kevin Williamson et al are shadows of their former selves as they twist themselves into pretzels to rail against PDJT doing what he said he’d do and what they heretofore have argued for.

Yeah sure.  He’s horrible.  The economy is booming.  ISIS is nearly dead.  N Korea is making mini steps to come into the light.  Iran is moving to a popular uprising.  The US is head to toward becoming the #1 energy exporter.  Regulation is on the decline.  The Supreme Court is safe – for now.  So sure, PDJT is just F-ing everything up.

Advice to ReRs:  Ride the Trump tiger.  Build the wall.  Shut the government down, for good, if necessary to get it done.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

"Vote for me. I will fight for you. I will make the hard decisions." How many times have we heard it? Then two weeks ago in voting to support ICE, 190 house members voted "present". And how about this one..."A leader you can trust". And so comes Nov 2018. Dopes and Rats will jaw jack like two drunks that end up swinging a couple of blind punches, none landing, then claiming victory the next day. Trump's punches connect and Caligula DC claims he fights unfair. One thing about Trump is when he enters the ring he comes prepared to fight and win. And quickly. DC swamp dwellers still can't deal with it.