Thursday, March 31, 2011

Like P-BO's bracket, Libya looked good at the start

P-BO should have talked with President Clinton before trying to bomb his way to an easy victory in Libya. As expressed several times here, I have no problem with the Libyan bombing as long as it is directed at Kaddafy. P-BO says the bombing is not directed at Kaddafy. I don’t believe him on this any more than I believed that P-BOcare would reduce the deficit. Given the opportunity to get Kaddafy, I think our kinetic engineers (aka generals) will take that opportunity

Now P-BO is finding out what Clinton already knows from his Bosnian adventure. It’s hard to influence the action from 15,000 feet. P-BO waited 9 days, 15 rounds of golf, a 3 country vacation and a dozen devastating bracket foul ups to talk to the people of the United States about the kinetic military action in Libya. Many believe and Lex agrees that P-BO was taking a wait and see approach on the action. If it turned out well, he’d rush in and claim credit. If it faltered, he’d stand back and blame Bush. What he couldn’t plan on was it going well, him claiming credit, and then it going badly and him getting stuck with the blame.

That is what is happening. Just after P-BO took the airwaves to claim credit for being smarter than everyone on the planet because things in Libya were going so swimmingly, things began going south for the rebels. Now P-BO is left with egg, low cholesterol egg beater type egg, but egg none the lees on his face.

He fouled up when he talked about supporting the rebels. That was wrong. He should have stuck with a message that every American could understand. Kaddafy is a murdering jerk. We now have the opportunity to target him. We’re going to take that opportunity. Once he’s gone, the rebels or anyone else can approach the US for assistance in establishing a free market and representative government in Libya. We’ll provide that assistance once they turn over the Lockerbie bomber.

Now the rebels are in disarray and retreat. P-BO is finding that a bomb’s kinetic intervention lasts only a split second. If you can survive that split second, you may be bleeding from the ears but you can still pull a trigger and are likely to be more aggressive in doing so after the experiencing P-BO’s great kinetic adventure.

Then to make matters much worse, the “smartest woman in the world” goes on TV Sunday and says that Assad is a reformer. WTF? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard this wind bag say since she blamed a vast right-wing conspiracy her louse of husband's un-presidential and unmanly behavior in the oval office.

Yeah Assad is a reformer. The victims get to choose the form of torture they endure before being shot.

SecState Shrilldabeast reminds me of the paper Lex jr. was assigned to write in school a couple of years ago. He was supposed to write about being an exchange student in Syria. My first reaction was, WTF. I wrote a nice letter to the teacher and informed her that Syria was one of only 7 countries on the US terrorist watch list. That they openly funded, and provided sanctuary for Hezbollah operations against Israel. That they were responsible for the destabilization and collapse of the representative government in Lebanon. That they provide a pipeline into Iraq for Islamo-Terror-Fascist to murder US soldiers. All of this is and was going on under reformer Assad.

The teacher apologized, set the students straight and dropped the Syrian exchange student project from the curriculum.

It would seem Sec State Shrilldabeast has no more sense of Syria than Lex jr’s. 6th Grade teacher. And I really have not heard a word from the administration walking back the Beast’s idiotic statement.

Maybe we should get Lex jr’s old 6th grade teacher for SecState at least she now understands what a miserable bastard Assad really is.

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