Friday, May 01, 2020

The miracle of grocery shopping

Churches apparently are hot beds of death and must be closed to prevent the end of civilization as we know it due to the spread of the Chinese Virus.  Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of us go grocery shopping every day without fear of dying from the Wuhan Virus.  For all the miracles they have worked during the pandemic, we need to start the process of canonizing grocery store managers who have miraculously kept us all safe from catching or spreading a virus. 

Or maybe it’s just the store itself.  As the human race is struck down everywhere else, God has surely shined his light down on and caused the virus to “Passover” grocery stores that by the hand of God offer protection to all who enter.   Maybe we need a kind of a modern “Passover” ceremony recognizing he miraculous nature of grocery stores.

Exit question: How long are the sheepeople going to adhere to draconian government overreach?    

Deep State azzbags are deeply engrained into government healthcare agencies  
Gen Flynn was set up by corrupt anti-American deep state double d-bags at the highest levels of government.  Now the same people who told us to trust the deep state sh*ts in that case are telling us we have to accept the “science” coming from CDC, NIH, et al with regard to the Chinese Virus. 

Why?  We should never trust the federal government again.  The deep state Intell Community screwed Gen Flynn in an effort to destroy PDJT.  Is it really so farfetched to think that there might be a deep state healthcare cabal willing to destroy the American economy in order to “get Trump”?  I don’t think so.

We have been lied to from the start on the morality rate for the Chinese Virus.  We’ve been lied to as to seriousness of the disease to people who contract it.  We’re being lied to right now about the number of deaths attributed to the Wuhan Virus.  Essentially, anyone who dies is listed as a virus death.  We’ve been lied to about how the virus spreads.  We’re being lied to about existing proven, tested FDA approved, low cost treatments available right now today.  We’re being lied to about the ability of the economy to function under rules laid down by the very people lying to us about their own rules.

Somewhere below, Lex asks, “What happens when the lock down ends?”  The virus is still going to be present.  The virus is going to do what a virus does – spread through the population until the herd becomes immune.  To my way of thinking, all we’ve accomplished with this lock down is lengthen the time that that natural process is going to take.  I suppose that was plan.  Flatten the curve so as not to swamp healthcare system with Wuhan Virus patients.  But that was a lie or a huge miscalculation. The surge never materialized.

Now according to the CA docs banned by Youtube as much as 99.97% of the population is going to survive.  We know a large percentage of the population – as high as 20% - are going to contract the disease but have no or very mild symptoms.  We know that the most vulnerable population are those 65 and older with an underlying issue.  Conversely, we know people 19 years old and younger catch the virus at negligible rates and do not spread the disease as easily as us older folk.

Now all the “experts” are telling us that we have to follow the science.  But those very people seem to be ignoring the science as they advocate for a hide under the bed – except for grocery shopping - through summer so as to insure the disease doesn’t spread and no one dies from the disease.

Doesn’t the science tell us to quarantine older people while the rest of us get on with it?    

As an aside, is anyone else tiring of Dr. Fauci?  Why in the hell is he an expert on reopening economy or anything else?  Is he one of the aforementioned a deep state azzbags?

Today's JG rant: Weaklings demand the rest of us follow their example

America needs to sacrifice a state or two in order to keep the Abe Schwabs and Belinda Corps of the America safe.  I suggest the contiguous states of NY and NJ.  Those two state are already suffering the most from the effects of the Chinese Virus.  They would be the perfect place to ship all the “we cannot come out from under the bed until we are 100% certain we will not be faced with any risk” bunch. 

Corps thinks John Crawford is “risking” her life by advocating for a measured approach for the reopening of Indiana.  No mama that would be you.  No one is advocating forcing Corps or anyone else out from under their bed if that’s where they choose to stay.  They can stay there as long as they like cowering in fear of a virus that 99.998% of Americans will survive. 

Corps should not even think about going grocery shopping.  By her own idiotic standard, that is a life threatening activity.  She shouldn’t expect anyone to deliver food to her door, because she’d be jeopardizing someone else’s life.  She should just stay tucked up under the bed safe and sound…until she starves to death. Better to starve to death than take a risk, no matter how miniscule.

Reckless reopening puts many at risk
It really would be a mistake to open the country unless there is a plan in place to continue measures to keep people safe. Essential businesses that remained open are now closed because OSHA/federal government/public health officials did not advise managers how to run a business with needed measures to keep workers safe. 
As for Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, she did make some mistakes in her decrees in a desire to protect people. Evidently, her advisers did not do a good job.
Everywhere you drive, you see people grouping together, no social distancing, and not wearing facial coverings over both nose and mouth. A virus, especially an infectious one, knows no boundaries. It just looks for a host in which to dwell. 
Dr. John Crawford (“Fear is keeping us from recovery,” April 19), as are other people I have heard, is willing to sacrifice others' lives just to open the country without plans in place. Go ahead jeopardize your own life; do not risk mine.
Before the pandemic began, people died in car accidents, plane crashes, or from chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart or kidney disease. We know we are all mortal. But why die of something you might prevent with caution, hand-washing, social distancing and masks?
Belinda Corps


1 comment:

The Griffin said...

To Lex's point on reopening. Read the words on a ladder. Warning! Caution! Serious injury, death! The list of safety recommendations and laws are endless. Drive between the lines. Turn signals. Steel toed shoes. Own a boat! Flares, life preservers, lights, marine rules. Own a chainsaw? Have you radon tested you house? Smoke alarms? Ice melt? Do you know the Hiemlich Manuver and how to apply direct pressure of an artery? How to pack a shaving kit before getting on a plane? Ever tear the tag off a pillow? Read the side effects manuals of medicines? Ride a mechanical bull? Do you always go to the basement during a tornado warning? And so on. So when Gov Half Whit says you can't go to your cabin in the woods most people say kiss my ass and the pols lose their credibility. America is now joining liquor stores, abortion clinics, and lottery sales counters, and reopening. Pols have gone too far.