Wednesday, October 13, 2004


What we will see tonight:

A question on stem cell research.
To Bush: Was it a mistake of your stem cell research policy to confine Mr. Reeve to a wheelchair for 10 years and then to a slow and certain death?
To Kerry: When elected will you and John Edwards travel the country healing the sick or will you develop a federal program to bring the sick to Washington so you can heal them there?

A question on military records.
To Bush: Will you admit and apologize to the American people for deserting during your tour in the National Guard?
To Kerry: Tell us again about your heroism when you rescued Jim Rassmann under a hail of enemy fire?

A question on taxes.
To Bush: Your tax policy has led to deficits as far as the eye can see, the greatest decline of American influence and prosperity in the history of the nation, reduced wages, increased rates of cancer, a more severe hurricane season than we’ve seen in years and a Yankee’s win last night, won’t you agree with all Americans that those tax cuts were a mistake?
To Kerry: Your plan to tax only extraterrestrials in the form of perpetual clean energy sources has been hailed by everyone but the president as a stroke of genius. Do you think the American people are worthy of you?

What you can really expect is more of the same. The president will hammer Kerry’s liberal record and Kerry will respond with a hearty, “Labels don’t matter. What matters is blah blah blah…” Kerry will have voted for all of the tax cuts before voting against them. Kerry will continue to insist that taxing only those that make more than $200,000 will pay for Utopia. Bush will paint Kerry into an ever shrinking corner based on his liberal voting record during 20 years in the congress. America and both candidates are probably thinking two debates were plenty.

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