Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dems confident of beating Bush in '08

I’ve been watching with amusement as the MSM harps continually on the president’s anemic job approval. One would think, given the numbers, somewhere between 39-42%, President Bush would just give up now and, like so European governments, call for new elections.

It’s over – right? OK, OK except for Alito, and the next SC appointment it’s over - right? OK, OK except for making the Dems look like the political backtracking opportunist that they are on the NSA thing it’s over – right? OK, OK except resuscitating the Patriot Act which we all know was “killed” by Harry Reid, it’s over – right? OK, OK except for reigning in Iran it’s over - right? OK, OK except for getting a permanent tax cut it’s over - right? OK, OK except for reforming the UN it’s over – right? OK, OK it ain’t over.

What the Dems and their propaganda arm in the MSM have yet to figure out is that George Bush is beating them on every issue in spite of his “anemic” job approval numbers. What does it say about how powerless the Dems are when they can’t beat a weakened president? Even funnier is that the Dems and MSM haven’t realized that George Bush isn’t running for anything any more. The Dems and the MSM seem to be licking their chops at the opportunity to finally beat GWB in ’08. Hey guys – HE’S NOT RUNNING!

A couple of comparisons on Cheney’s accident:

With Ted, I didn’t know Mary Jo was back there, Kennedy
Cheney was sober.
More people have still died in the back seat of Ted Kennedy’s car than have been killed while hunting with the VP – even if the VP shoots them once.
The VP notified police that an accident occurred.
The VP rendered aid to his victim.

With John, I put myself in for a Bronze Star for shooting an unarmed wounded man in the back, Kerry:
Cheney shot his victim in the face.
Cheney’s victim was armed.
Cheney’s victim was in otherwise good health before the shooting.

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