Wednesday, February 22, 2006

RATS smoked out on profiling

One of the good things about getting the DemoRATS on board with blocking the UAE port deal is that it smokes them out on racial profiling. While conservatives like, Lex, remain consistent when calling call the UAE port deal insane because “those” people want to blow us up, DemoRATS have to resort to their usual hypocrisy to make that case.

DemoRATS get their shorts all tied up in a knot when a bearded swarthy skinned man from Yemen with wires protruding from his shoes is pulled from an airport line for additional screening. Racial profiling they scream. Well yeah, duh. That makes sense to about 99.9% of us. Now they see a political advantage with this UAE deal and suddenly, racial profiling is OK. If Bill Frist comes up with a bill in the Senate to block the UAE deal, it ought to clearly state that profiling “these” people is perfectly OK, and until Mormons start blowing things up, a requirement.

You gotta love George W though. Dealt a duce and an eight from different suits, he’s try to win the hand, raising the stakes at each turn. He’s thrown the veto into the pot, which is akin to laying the deed to the farm on top of a pile of chips in card game being played in the back room at the saloon. Sooner or later, as the dealer turns up a short straight in one of Ws off suits, the president will have to admit his losing hand. He’ll try to get this thing to committee for further “review” where it will quietly go away.

But the good news is that DemoRATS, as hypocritical as it may be and for the first time, are actually admitting that we have an enemy out there that wants to destroy us and they are willing to profile that enemy – at least when it offers them a political advantage.

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