Wednesday, May 24, 2006

600 pages equals 10 million loopholes

Sniffing out the illegal alien vote, the senate is expected to pass a 600 page bill that will, among other things, put 10 million illegal alien on the path to citizenship and their hard won if illegally earned right to US Social Security payments. Explaining the unexplainable Social Security provision, Senator everyone but me shut up McCain said, “they stole it. It’s theirs.” Imploring everyone to just shut up, McCain went on, “they came into the country illegally. They used fraudulent documents to get jobs. They lied cheated and stole to remain in this country. They did the work I wouldn’t do. So what do Americans think their government is going to do? Start enforcing our laws!?”

But just think of it. The senate needs 600 pages to deal with one issue – immigration. By contrast the US Constitution is only 11 pages and it has successfully dealt with running the world’s greatest democracy for over 200 years. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is only 278 words and I am sure it says more than anything the world’s greatest bloviators have laid out in 600 pages. 600 pages mean 10 million loopholes - one for each illegal alien.

The obvious answer is not 600 pages of new law. The answer is strict border enforcement and enforcement of our current laws. Write your congressman and senators today. Tell them you support the House bill and border enforcement first.

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