Monday, November 06, 2006

Election fraud is a strategy for Democrats

The election is near and the moonbats are out in force. Take this letter from Thomas Meeks, which garners this week’s highly coveted Weekly Punctilio Award as the biggest waste of ink and newsprint for the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette. Meeks, who apparently is still in therapy since the 2000 presidential election, steals everything but Hugh Hewitt’s book title in his piece on “election fraud.” Hewitt, a great conservative, long ago published a book titled “If it isn’t close, they can’t cheat.”

Because Florida Democrats in one precinct were too stupid to darken the arrow pointing to their candidate’s name on a ballot designed by Democrats; because George Bush never once trailed in Florida; because Bush won the popular vote on election night; the statewide recount; and even the convoluted cherry picking recounts conceived by loser Al Gore in four predominately Democrat precincts; a media recount where every way imaginable of counting the votes was conducted; Meeks concludes election fraud put George Bush in the White House in 2000. That’s considered a sane position for the Moonbat Democrat – I’d say fringe but it’s actually become the mainstream.

Now because brain dead Democrats couldn’t figure out a paper ballot in Florida, our federal government has wasted hundreds of millions of our tax dollars on computer equipment to prevent what didn’t happen in Florida in 2000 from occurring again. Even so, Meeks, giving new meaning to the phrase “he’d kick if hung him with a new rope,” is complaining about the new machines.

I might remind Meeks:
It was Democrat JFK who won the White House on the votes of several thousand dead people in Chicago’s Cook County.
It was Democrats arrested for giving clean underwear and cigarettes to bums in exchange for votes.
It was Democrats who were found guilty of slashing the tires of Republican precinct workers.
It’s the Liberal ACORN organization facing criminal charges for swamping MO with 10s of thousands of fraudulent voter registration cards.
It’s in liberal Memphis, Harold Ford’s hometown, where four voter machine smart cards have gone missing.
It’s Liberals and Democrats who encourage voter fraud by opposing any kind of voter ID.
It’s Democrats who can’t vote with a pencil and paper.
It’s Republicans that have to figure in Democrat shenanigans on Election Day when going over poll numbers.

So congratulations to the Democrat voters in Florida and their like minded moonbats who are dumber than a hoe handle and have earned the this week's Weekly Punctilio Award for the Ft. Wayne J-G.

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