Wednesday, November 15, 2006

If immigration is THE domestic issue for the 110th congress, the global war on terror is THE key foreign, international and national survival issue. I’m sure we all agree that while Islamo-terror-fascists are blowing up national symbols of wealth and power, busses, cafes, cars, shopping malls, power plants, oil refineries, religious sites, museums, antiquities, tourist attractions or chopping off heads of infidels and while other Muslim believers pursue nuclear weapons, most peace loving Muslims are content to simply sit quietly while the nut jobs pursue a Middle East then world-wide Caliphate on their behalf. Those who remain silent are as dangerous as those who commit atrocities on their behalf.

Democrats are fond of calling Iraq “George Bush’s war.” Democrats call it George Bush’s war in spite of the fact that a good many Democrats voted for the war – including His A*@holiness John Kerry and the nation’s Nurse Ratchet, Hillary. Then when things got tough they lied and said they were lied to. But they were persistent in their criticism of the war they once voted for and its management. Aided by a MSM’s drip, drip, drip of casualties and pictures of burning vehicles and buildings without one word of context, the Democrats swept to power last Tuesday. Now that they are in power, it will be the Dems who will be responsible for our defeat in Iraq and ceding of the Middle East to the ITFs. But as the Democrats are sure to learn, it’s easier to carp from the sideline than actually play the game, particularly when national survival hangs in the balance.

First, if it is any one person’s war, Iraq is really Osama bin Laden’s war. Bin Laden is the one who has claimed that Iraq is the central front in the ITF’s pursuit of the world-wide Caliphate. This is what’s so frustrating. The ITFs are telling us everything we need to know about them. We will not listen. They have declared war on us over and over and over. We worry more about gas going over $2.50 than national survival. They tell us over and over that they want us all dead, but we worry more about MSM fake stories about Koran flushing, torture and whether the movies at G’itmo are appropriate for the tender sensibilities of the murdering bastards and if there is enough popcorn our “guests.” They shout over and over and over again, death to the West, while we worry whether the term Islamo-terror-fascist offends the very Islamo-terror-fascists trying to kill us. It’s insane.

They are telling us everything we need to know about them. We will not listen. Tonight at 7 on CNN Headline Prime, Glenn Beck will present the facts about the people we are at war with. Watch it. Get everyone you know to watch it, especially your Democrat friends.

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