Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Libs uncanny luck at awards shows

In an event as surprising as the sun rising in the east this morning, Al Gore’s error laden mockumentary, It’s an inconvenient truth that Tipper and I use 20X the hydrocarbon based energy to run our mansion than you do to run your house, won an Oscar. Wow, Libs are on roll. First Jimmy, if Israel would just blow itself up we wouldn’t have all this Israeli-Palestinian friction, Carter wins the Nobel Peace Prize, then Libs honor themselves at the Grannys by giving 5 awards to three Bush bashing has beens, now Al Gore wins an Oscar. But Al’s award was not as easy a shoe in as you might have thought. Al’s Truth – which is everything but – was up against two anti-war Docs and an evangelic Christian bashing Doc. Had someone associated with one of those projects lost a close election to a Republican – look out – it might have been close.

So, who were the conservative award winners? Hmm, I guess there aren’t any. That is really disappointing, especially when you consider that ours is a movement that holds individual achievement and creativity at such a premium. Yet, we get shut out every time. Now were I a Lib, I’d be asking for recounts and declaring whatever kind of ballot is used in these awards shows to be too complicated for my constituency. But I’m not a Lib, so I assume that the results accurately reflect the opinions of the people who voted.

So where does that leave us. It leaves with a bunch of Libs sitting around heaping great praise upon themselves for movies nobody watches, books nobody reads and albums – oops CDs - nobody listens to. Curious, isn’t it? Used to be that I’d have seen most of the movies up for “Best Picture”, watched most of the popular TV shows and owned most of the albums up for “Album of the Year”. Now I have been left behind or more accurately, opted out of most what the Liberal entertainment industry is offering. It seems nearly impossible these days to watch, read or listen to anything from the mainstream entertainment anymore without having your sensibilities and beliefs assaulted in the most crude way. There’s nothing subtle about it.

Even now Oscar-winning 'Titanic' director James Cameron claims to have found the body of Jesus. Well, whodatunk it. After 2,000 years of looking, a Hollywood director shows up and finds Jesus’ tomb, in of all places Jerusalem. Talk about hiding in plain site. Whoa, you’d of thought somebody might have stumbled across this thing a year or two ago. Like maybe the Romans who were combating a “cult” that thought this guy had risen from the dead. You’d think maybe they’d have had a reason to find where Jesus was buried and hoist his head on a pike. But no it take 2,000 years and a Hollywood director, who incidentally made a mockumentary of his search, to find Jesus – can anyone say Emmy. Well hallelujah, maybe Cameron can get started on this Fountain of Youth thing so we can all have everlasting mortal life now that rejoining our brothers and sisters in “everlasting immortal life” seems to be thing of the past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Hollywood loves sequels I hear "An Inconvenient Truth II" has not been written yet but is a shoe-in for the 2008 Oscar. It will be released near the time "Brokeback Mountain, Three at a Time" is released. I guess the story has added a third dollar bill. Of course it will be nominated as best picture but will probably lose to "I Found Christ in a Box", the story of a recent scientific find that John McCain says puts to rest the whole story of the Easter myth. Oliver Stone will direct this eye opener which apparently proves Judas was at Dealy Plaza in Nov 1963 passing ammo to Oswald. Absolutely riveting!