Friday, April 20, 2007

Harry, Tim & John

Scrawny now Scared Harry

We’re changing Scrawny Harry Reid’s moniker here today. He was Scrawny because he is Scrawny. He is now scrawny Scared Harry because he is scared. He’s scared of Islamo–Terror-Fascists. No doubt Scared Harry will be the last one pulled terrified from under the bed by the ITF. He’ll be trying to save himself for one more crooked land deal by blubbering and pissing all over himself begging for mercy from the same pitiless bunch he’s been facilitating. He’s scared George bush might be successful. He’s scared America may remain the world’s only super power. While the Scared one was comforting America’s enemies with a proclamation that the war was lost, an Indiana mother of a soldier killed in Iraq was asking “congress to shut up and let the military do their job.” Way to go mom.

Peace Studies at Manchester College?

There’s a PhD named Tim McElwee who is the Director of the Manchester College Peace Studies Institute; your kid’s college tuition hard at work. The frightening part about this is that if McElwee is the “Director” that means there’s whole department working under him. Either that or the college gave him the big title with no staff just to make Dr. Tim feel OK with himself. Either way, it’s dumb. In the name of diversity, I wonder if the college has a Director of Useful and Necessary Violence? Dr. Tim wrote a column for the Ft. Wayne Daily Punctilio today where, after positing the false notion that “we are encouraged to believe that violence solves problems” he asks, “How much safer might our communities be if we taught non-violence instead?” Where the he%$ has McElwee been for the last 20 years? We don’t teach violence. We teach tolerance to the point that every aberrant behavior is accepted as normal. No one questions a psycho living in the dorm – I’m OK you’re OK. While McElwee rolls in on guns there is nary a word in his “Can’t we all just get along” piece about the left’s culture destruction in TV, movies, music, videos etc. Hey Dr. Tim, it’s not the guns. It’s the nut jobs using them and a society too willing to accept ALL behavior, no matter how destructive, as OK in the name of diversity. Dr. Tim your glad machine is ready to transport you to Oz where never again will you be bothered with reality.

John Boy’s $400 haircuts

John, we live in two Americas, Edwards is being lampooned for living in the America were people live in 28,000 square foot homes and pay $400 for a haircut. I pay $8 to keep my dome groomed. Let’s see 8 goes into 400? Hmm, help me Mr. Will (Mr. Will, a great man, taught 7th & 8th grade math). Lemme see, 8 wont go into 4 at all, try 40, four 8s aren’t enough, six 8s are too many must be 5 - BINGO!! 8 goes into 400, 5 times!!! No wait, that’s not right. Hmm, Lex Jr. informs me it’s 50. He’ll explain it later. He’s in 4th grade at the Catholic school. I graduated public school. I’m going with the 10 year old’s answer. So I could get 50 haircuts. Lemme see, 4 weeks in a month, one haircut every 2 weeks. 50 haircuts, one every two weeks, would equal how many years? Darn, jr.’s off to school. I’ll get back to you on this but it’s somewhere between 2 and 20 years. Edwards, never one to say, yeah what was I thinking? 400 Washingtons is a bit excessive to get your lettuce trimmed, blamed the whole thing on global warming. Seems the warm temps cause his hair to grow faster and affects his limited judgment.

Off to the woods

I'm off to the woods for a turkey shoot and will be gone until Thurs.

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