Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Dear Dope use Truman Show as model

There are a couple of things to worry about. First, Ohio State opens with Navy this weekend and the Middies have a devastating running game utilizing the triple option. The Bucks had better come ready to play.

Now, on to the lesser worry of the day. The Dear Dope has decided that since he can’t get any traction with adults, he’ll address the nation’s school children next week. Hmmm, if ever there was a case for home schooling this would be it. Public schools by and large are a bastion of lock-step liberal thought – or since we are talking libs - no thought.

Ask any Lib and they will tell you, “We are all about diversity.” That is, unless you are talking about diverse ways of thinking in secondary and higher education. Sort of in the same way Libs claim to be all about “choice.” That is unless you are talking about a driving “choice” such as a SUV, the “choice” to own a gun, or a child’s choice of offering a prayer before lunch in the school cafeteria, then the Libs are all “my way or the highway.”

So I don’t think we need the sail-eared Dope interrupting classes to tell the kids anything. Look, to date, the Dear Dope’s presidency has been like the Truman Show 24-7-365. Decent people cannot get away from this creep. Turn on the All-Star game he’s there throwing the first pitch into the dirt 10’ short of the plate and the MSM hail him – “Oh did you see that? He could have been the next Warren Spawn.” Turn on NASCAR, there he is claiming to be a big fan after he called us all bitter clingers. The Dear Dope is even doing a promo for the George Lopez Show that’s scheduled to air Mon-Fri on channel 187 between 2-3 am. The only place that you can get away from this narcissistic creep – for now - is the cooking channel.

I don’t know. Half of me wants to have a one day home school boycott the day the Dear Dope is scheduled to talk. The other half wants me to send young Lex in with the following question:

The Dear Dope has more than 20 unelected, unconfirmed and unaccountable Czars – aka Special Advisors – running various areas of government. By what constitutional authority were these Czars hired and paid? Follow up: From what article and section of the constitution do the Czars draw ANY authority for ANYTHING?

When faced with a tough question – something he never experienced on campus - the Liberal 20 something Social Studies teacher, fresh from the “higher education” Liberal Mind Meld, will issue one of the required 3 times daily doses of Riddilan and encourage everyone to take a nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I will throw in my two cents. I understand that Obama will address the K-6 graders for one hour. First rule of public speaking to know your audience. As the most touted speaker in the history of speakerdom, how can he intend to hold the attention of 5-10 year olds for one hour unless he has Big Bird twirling plates while riding a skateboard and singing "Hey diddle-diddle" in the background, as he "inspires" da yoots? Answer, he is not targeting da yoots....he is targeting those that intend to listen for one hour. That eliminates conservatives, those people with jobs, the incarcerated, the aborted, but does include libs, teachers, (oh yea, that is the same thing) and the non-napping but non-coherent grandparents. My prediction is that there will be a lot of little Johnnies and Susies out there recieving some discipline as a result of getting bored (this will take about 60 seconds). The "teach", having the full indoctrination experience, will paste pictures of Stalin, whoops, The Dear Leader, all over the classroom, and then announce those those famous words, " We will now have a test". The first question will be,"On what date did St.Obama part the Red Sea?" and the second will be, "When did Pope Barak free the slaves". Thus the seeds of conservatism will have been sewn when little Johnnie and Susie realize that Big School Government and Big Ears caused him/her to get a time out, an F on a test, accused of hating black people , and he/she never really understood why! The Griffin. (PS. By the way OSU will beat Navy on the scoreboard but Navy will get it's pound of flesh and will not quit regardless the score)