Monday, December 07, 2009

e-mail security #1 topic at Copenhagen

The global warming uh, er, cooling, I mean climate change confab is taking place this week. That’s right all the world’s greatest hoaxsters will gather in Copenhagen to discuss what has been going on on this planet since its creation climate change.

Never mind that the climate has always changed. The trend in the 70s was a cooling one, which gave way to warming in the 90s which has stopped 10 years ago. None of that matters. What matters is a world-wide scare that will lead to the decline of capitalism and the rise of some hokey one-world government that will do on a global scale what the Dear Dope is trying to do here on a national scale – redistribute the wealth.

You can bet the number one topic at all of the Copenhagen events won’t be carbon emissions - According to the organizers, the eleven-day conference, including the participants' travel, will create a total of 41,000 tones of "carbon dioxide equivalent", equal to the amount produced over the same period by a large city – the number one topic is sure to be e-mail security.

After 1,000s of pages of information that demonstrated the full nature of the global warming hoax were released on the Internet, global warming alarmists know that they need to be more careful. The next time something like happens the press might actually report that “the debate is not over;” that a good deal of the evidence that opportunists like AlGore rely on for their books and fakeumentaries is jut made up; that there is an organized effort to black ball (can you say that?) any scientist who offers studies contrary to the global warming hysteria.

The entire hoax has been exposed but the MSM chooses to ignore the evidence and the story, with the exception of calling for the prosecution of the leaker.

Oh and here’s a bit of news that will make your week. Your hard earned Yankee tax dollars are going to support some kind of global carbon emissions tax a trade scheme. Yes the UN, which wouldn’t exist without your tax dollars, is funding a campaign to “seal the deal” in Copenhagen. Yes, the only organization in the world more corrupt than your local ACORN office is leading the effort for some global agreement on a carbon trading scheme.

This situation is akin to buying Saudi oil. We send hard earned Yankee dollars over to Saudi for oil and Saudis send them back in the form Saudi funded Madrases and terrorist plotters.

So we send our hard earned Yankee dollars to the UN and the UN uses them in a campaign to destroy our economy. It’s like giving hardened violent criminals clemency and we do that too – or at least Hucksterbee does. We should start protecting our own interests.

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