Monday, May 10, 2010

Jon Lovets to the Supreme Court

Rumor is that P-Bo is set to name this man, comedian John Levits to the Supreme Court. Al Franken said he'd vote for another clown in D.C.

Actually this Elena Kagan the Solicitor General for all of the U.S. Does that mean she's responsible for all those telemarketing calls? Her main qualification is that there is so little known about her Judaical background that nobody knows if she's qualified.

Sort of like P-BO himself. We had to wait a year to find out just how clueless he really was.

Stock market hanky panky

The stock market has been on a wild ride the couple of sessions. Down 300; then down 600; then down nearly 1,000; then back to 600 and so on. The feds are investigating the wild action. They seem to think that there might be something nefarious going on. Maybe someone hacked the system and set the market on its roller coaster ride. Shouldn't be all that difficult an investigation, find out who made the most money from all of the frantic action and grill them. So unless it turns out that the culprits are the black panthers, George Soros or some other friend of the DNC, punishing the crooks shouldn't be all that hard.

But with a political justice department and a MSM that acts more as if it were a cheering section, don't expect any results anytime soon. Now if Haliburton hap pend to profited the shenanigans, weather they were involved or not, expect all hell to break loose.

Heck Lex may be a suspect himself. See I dumped nearly everything I had invested in the stock market at the first of the year. I need some quick cash to start my dream business that combines three things America loves, Amway, telemarketing and infomercials. That's right my business model calls for peddling Amway the new wave high tech way. What could go wrong.

High water mark of P-BO's FEMA efforts

In case you missed it, Nashville is under water with, at the last count, 19 people dead. Where is P-BO? The people of Nashville inundated with water when several in inches of rain poured in down in just a few hours. It's not as if the people of TN had five days to watch the water running down out of the mountains toward Nashville.

But it is a huge mess down there as clean up continues. For a full report, click here. I understand that the graphic used is real
Check out a rare weekend post below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin..
There were some mighty words describing the qualities of a supreme court nominee. The words not said were that white males not need apply. We all knew that Obama would not select a white male yet no one has said it. Obama won the election so he gets his pick. His picks in Sotomayor and Kagan are also sex based/race based therefore dicriminatory. Had he said that he would select the absolute most qualified jurist that was not white and male I would respect him more. He would not say it though because people would think he is sexist/racist. Which he is.