Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Understanding Libs: an imponderable

When you come from a particular political persuasion, sometimes it’s hard to account for some things. Take Helen Thomas…please! This old gas bag has been in the front row of the White House press corps (corpse?) since the Polk administration. She has said dumb things in the past and after Garfield was shot, gave up any pretext of objectivity. Yet, until a week ago, there she was in the front row.

She was like a loony old aunt who bakes but forgets one of the key ingredients in the sugar cookie recipe – the sugar. The family eats the cookies. They praise Aunt Helen for the wonderful job did. But the family doesn’t enter the cookies in the county baking contest. By giving loony Helen a front row seat at in White House press room, the White House press corps essentially entered her in the county fair. Her fall from grace should have occurred after the Dewy administration – wait I still haven’t gotten over that one – first F. Roosevelt administration. It didn’t. Who is to blame for that? Leftie loon MSM, that’s who.

Now consider this. I grew up in small town in Ohio. To say it was mostly white, would be like saying it gets sort of dark on a moonless night at the bottom of Carlsbad Cavern. It was totally white. During the civil rights brouhaha, I recall my dad saying that the government had no right to tell the local barber that he had to cut a black man’s hair or risk jail time and a fine. His reasoning was if the barber cut a black man’s hair in our town, many of the locals would not give him their business. There is something about freedom to associate in the constitution – the right to peaceably assemble – or something.

So Rand Paul, Republican candidate for the Senate in KY, makes the same point as dad and the fervor explodes. How can Paul be against the civil rights movement? He’s not. Any and all government activities should be open equally to all US citizens. Oddly, right now doors are open more equally to some (minos) than others. And this is OK because it is “affirmative action.” It’s actually BS! But that’s for another rant. Private business, in my opinion and to a lesser degree Paul’s, is none of the Government’s business – unless the business is GM, Chrysler, AIG, Fanny, Freddie etc. which are government businesses. Weird.

The government should not be in the business of telling business how to do business. Besides minos do the exact same thing. If you don’t think so, try walking into a barbershop on Ft. Wayne’s southeast side and tell the barber you are trying to start a mullet. “Say what? You better get the hell outta here boy,” will be about the kindest response you’ll find. Beside we self segregate anyway. And we will continue to do so until the government requires us to have at least one mino in any gathering of 5 or more people. Minos, of course will maintain their right to assemble with whomever they choose.

The other, OK one of many other, things I don’t understand about lefties is why they insist on slaying the golden goose that pays for all of their hare brained, certain to fail, social engineering projects. We sort of had universal health care paid for by responsible people who bought insurance. Everyone got treated in the ER or elsewhere. Ahh, but those damn rich people were getting better care than the rest of us. Well yeah. They paid for it and in the process guaranteed the rest of had some health care. Now, if P-BO care is not repealed, we’re doomed to traveling to a banana republic for healthcare.

Libs bitch about the rich when they should start every comment with, “I’d like to thank those creative people who earn gobs of money and pay huge taxes so I can grab it up to build the Red Tender Sparrow bird sanctuary in my district.” The rich in this country pay for everything. Nearly half of all Americans pay no income taxes. So who do libs think is picking up the load?

I’ve said it a 100 times. Rich people are rich for a reason. They are smarter, more talented, more creative, more driven and savvier than the rest of us, certainly more so than a dope like Charlie Rangel who can’t even pay his own taxes. Every time ol’ Charlie aims tax hikes at the rich, he ends up hitting the rest of square in the wallet.

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