Friday, July 02, 2010

Faith in government makes P-BO an American

Proving once and for all that he rarely has a clue about what it is he’s talking about, P-BO made this insane statement, ““Being an American is not a matter of blood or birth, it’s a matter of faith.” So is it the faith of goofball Rev? or race baiter? Jerry Wright who damns America? That’s the church our clueless president grew up with in Chicago. G-Damn America. Is that the faith P-BO refers to? Yes, I believe it is.

This guy is an idiot. If it’s not blood or birth that determine American citizenship, but rather “faith,” who then is ineligible to become American? Atheist I suppose. But we know that P-BO doesn’t exclude that group either. So everyone in the world is an American if they have faith in...what? Faith that P-BO will some day before the end of his second term plug the damn hole? Faith that America can sustain an ever growing ever more onerous and incompetent government to pass out checks to people who did not earn them written off of funds from the people who did?

Faith in what? I did not hear him mention faith in an American style liberty that allows Americans to dream big then succeed and fail on their own merits. No doubt, and I mean NO DOUBT, he means faith in American government to save idiots who ride motorcycles with no helmet by passing laws that they must. In short faith in a government that is more interested in protecting us from ourselves than protecting us from our neighbors or the government itself.

And if it is faith in America that makes us American, what country do P-BO buds Bill Ayers, Van Jones and Jerry Wright belong to?  They have no faith in America.  Can we deport them?  That would be good start.

Immigration is an abomination in this country. Why do Hispanics have a special right to wander across the border and expect to get a free pass? I guarantee you if talented well educated white male Christians were pouring across our southern border Demo-Dopes would have a 15’ triple barrier with live land mines between each layer and the border patrol odered to shoot to kill.

The more I see of this bunch the more I am convinced that are racist to the core. Immigration, Van Jones, the cops acted stupidly, America is country of cowards, dismissal of the case against the New Black Panthers, typical white woman etc. etc. We are lucky this moron is only half black.

This is just one more thing in an extraordinarily long list of things that are happening that has people saying, “This can’t be happening.”  It is happening.

Let’s try this experiment. Stop hiring illegal immigrants and see if they leave.

Happy birthday America. Enjoy it while you can still recognize the country.

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