Friday, February 04, 2011

P-BO usual

P-BO dropped by the National Prayer Breakfast to offer up a prayer that his nation dividing P-BOcare will not be found to be unconstitutional. P-BO came to pray for his legacy and inform us that there is only so much a church can do and only so much the private sector is willing to do. And in the absence of either of those two stepping in, big government was the only answer.

I suppose he’s right. There’s only so much the church of Rev? Wight’s screw the hungry, I got mine, get out there and smack whitey now can do. Had P-BO spent his time down at St Vinnie’s listening to Monsignor John he’d have come away with a different point of view. He’d have picked up on the fact that there is actually an unlimited amount of good St. Vincent’s and the Catholic Church can do.

With all of the Hollywood Catholic bashing and while sitting in a church pew for TWENTY YEARS with a Rev? more interested in spewing venom than scripture, P-BO might have missed the fact that the Catholic Church, as a world wide organization, feeds, clothes, houses and educates more people than ANY other organization – including the US government – could ever even hope to.

When Cardinal O’Connor offered to educate the children of NY City at a savings of about 20% to the city, politicians told him no. They claimed that he’d take the cream of the crop and leave the public schools in shambles. The fact that the Cardinal assured the Pols that he’d take every student who wanted to come, made no difference. Better to resign the poor children of NYC to a third world education than have the Catholic Church break the back of the teacher’s union and get credit for improving test scores.

When Mother Therese confronted Shrilldabeast Clinton on the subject of abortion, Clinton told the Sister that the procedure had prevented millions of unwanted children being born into poverty and sickness. Mother Therese’s answer was simple and direct, “Please don’t kill the child. I want the child. Give me the child. I’m willing to accept any child who would be aborted and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child and be loved by the child.” She said, “I will tell you something beautiful. We are fighting abortion by adoption.” It is still unreported what deep dark hole the Shrilldabeast crawled into after that world class smack down.

So, like everything else that comes from this president’s mouth, he’s wrong and in this particular case spectacularly so. There has been no people in the history of the world so generous as the American people. P-BO wants to destroy that generosity and replace it with wasteful inefficient government programs. That is why the Demo-Dopes want to eliminate the deduction for charitable giving. Better to tax that money and have the government set up 8 tiers of bureaucracy to hand out a cup of soup and a ham sandwich to the poor than to have the hungry lining up outside St. Vincent’s so volunteers can cook and feed them. Better some Pol get the credit than the church.

Super Bowl

This one has all the potential for a great game. Steelers have to be the favorite simply because so many of them have been there before; they have a great defense and a great QB, Ben who cares if she’s only 16 years old Roethlisberger. So I’m going with the Pack, 24-17.

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