Wednesday, February 16, 2011

P-BO's birth certificate used as a shield

Pissy Mathews threw a Chrissy fit last night when he accused Speaker Boehner and Eric Cantor of being collaborators in the P-BO birther scandal that will not go away. Why won’t it go away? Because P-BO doesn’t want it to.

P-BO goes for the birther defense like Rooster Cogburn goes for his .44s. Every time some one – anyone - has the temerity to point out that P-BO just happens to be the least experienced and probably the dumbest guy in any room he happens to stumble into they pull the birther defense. If you accuse the P-BO of wrecking the country with a healthcare plan that is so flawed if it were a rocket, it’d blow up on the pad in spectacular fashion, you're a birther, but not just a birther, a racists birther.

If he wanted to,P-BO could put this whole thing to rest in 5 minutes. He doesn’t,because he can count on Pissy throwing his Chrissy fits every night. There would be no birther defense were P-BO to produce his long form birth certificate and put the entire thing to rest. Sadly, P-BO was born in Hawaii in 1961. Sadly, from the date of his birth forward he didn’t do much, smoked a little pot, did some cocaine, organized a community here and there and then was elected president by 51% of the voters in2008.

Oh, and here's why the budget cannot be cut:
1.  Pols won't de-fund NPR.  Who the hell looks at or listens to NPR?  Let them pay for it.
2.  Pols won't de-fund planned parenthood.  Or should it be unplanned non-parenthood?  This organization makes millions upon millions of dollars aborting babies yet our brain dead Pols give them public funding.  Why don't they use the money they make off abortion for their own funding?
3.  Pols won't de-fund the UN's commission on human rights.  The most corrupt organization within an organization dripping with corruption.
4.  Pols won't de-fund a second Teddy Kennedy library.  The Kennedy's have enough money of their own to pay homage to this over weight drunken pant load.  Most of that money is in overseas accounts to avoid the taxman that Teddy always wanted to push onto the rest of us.

If pols are unwilling to grab this low hanging fruit, how are they ever going to be able to make a tough decision when it comes to entitlements?

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