Monday, June 04, 2012


More proof the wad is a wad
A few posts under, Lex made the point what a wad Eric the wad Holder is. A guy, much smarter and more articulate than Lex, makes the same point here. The only conclusion to be drawn from this “coincidence” is that Sowell is reading Lex and lifting the stuff, that or he too knows what a creepy race hustler Eric the wad Holder is.

In his latest move to ensure the maximum voter fraud possible in Nov, the wad’s DOJ has ordered FL to stop purging ineligible voters from its voter rolls. Well there you have it - a clear indication of the wad’s intent. In Wad World anyone can vote anywhere as many times as he wants as long as he looks like the P-BO’s son, if he had one. Lex has noted here before that when the people become aware that elections do not matter because their votes are not being counted accurately or their vote is being cancelled by fraud organized and condoned by the ruling class, can a shooting revolution be far off?

Like cartoons?  Check out Ramirez.
The best guy in political cartoon business these days for my money, and I pay absolutely nothing to look at political cartoons, is Michael P. Ramirez. Check out his stuff over at Townhall.

How nice

Just when you thought the country was going to hell in a hand basket a heartwarming photo like this shows up to remind you that, no we are not heading over the precipice of the cliff at 100 miles per hour, everything is just fine. WTF? (Win the future). The only saving grace is that these hard core killing machines and defenders of democracy are in the U.S. Air Force. As such, we’re not entirely sure if wet nurse isn’t an actual military occupational specialty in that organization made up of death defying, snake eating, low crawling naked over a 100 meters of broken glass to slit the throat of the enemy sentry and the epitome of war fighting excellence. They could actually be performing an essential service - freeing up another airman to fight. YGBSM, I'm way too old.

Euro Trash
The Euro is doomed. I don’t know much about economics, OK I know nothing about economics, except that it’s foolish to spend money that you don’t have. I think that makes me some sort of cutting edge economic savant type genius among today’s lame brained idiots like, hmm what goes with lame brain better than oh so slow Joe J-O-B-S is a three letter word Biden who once famously insisted that we needed to spend money to keep from going bankrupt.

The Euro is not doomed mainly because of any underlying economic hocus pocus. It is doomed mainly because nobody gives a crap about it. OK, European muckity mucks care about it, but only because they are the ones getting over on the masses. But the masses do not give one hoot in hell about it. Why? It has nothing whatever to do with them. The rule of thumb when things start to go south in the Euro zone is for the masses to call for the withdrawal from the Euro. Greece, Spain Portugal all threaten to withdraw when the Euro dopes don’t agree to cough up more cash to sustain the unsustainable for a couple of more months.

So how long can the Euro survive when its chief means of survival is for the weak nations to extort the rich nations? At some point won’t Germany call the other Euro trash bluff?

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