Monday, January 07, 2013

Ripping off your neighbor is an entitlement

The bad news is that thanks to LBcare, an across the board 2% increase in the payroll tax and various state and local tax increases, everyone’s paycheck shrunk by as much as 8% starting in Jan. The good news is that those receiving government “benefits” are pretty much immune to such arbitrary gouging by politicians to fund an ever growing and onerous government.

To the free phone crowd, the tax increases are just those rich bastards finally getting what they deserve. What they don’t understand, yet, is that the free phone crowd’s “benefit” income has now drawn about even with the income of the average guy paying for the “benefits” and who himself my have no benefits.

So, Mr. & Mrs. America, how long does that model last? How long is a guy going to be willing get up every morning and trudge off to work and put in his 40, so that he can watch the government confiscate more and more of what he earned to give to his neighbor who is on “disability” combined with food stamps, sec 8 housing, a free cell phone plan and home heating assistance? Why would that person go back to work for 40K when he can get 40K in “benefits?” Why should the neighbor continue to bust his hump for 40K to pay for the free phone crowd’s “benefits?”

And if you want to have a mental breakdown, substitute the word “entitlements” for the word “benefits” above. Among other things, we’ve lost the language. Sitting on your @$$ and ripping off your neighbor is an entitlement in LB’s America.

Gun control
Last week in the “winners” and “losers” section of the editorial page local fish wrap called the Chevy Volt a winner, described out of print Newsweek magazine venerable and the NRA a loser. Lex ripped them with this note:

I know you won’t print this, but I hope someone will read it and pass it along.

The NRA losers? HA! Because thinking Americans have always known that Wayne LaPierre is correct when he said bad people with guns stop shooting when good people with guns show up, the NRA gained over 8,000 new members a day for about a week after Sandy Hook. How many new subscriptions did this dead tree, dead paradigm publication generate over the same period?

The NRA has been around since 1871 and will be around long after the JG wastes its last roll of newsprint and goes the way of the three pronged pitch fork and Newsweek magazine. Both of which were pretty useless items by the way.

And choke on this, 54 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the NRA while only 40 percent have any trust what-so-ever in the media. So, who is the real loser?

Last, in what bizarre alternate universe do your editors live where they call an over priced, fire trap of a car nobody but the government - who subsidized its production - wants to buy a “winner”; a magazine run into the ground by Liberal ideologues to the point it has gone out of print “venerable” and an organization that has just added 10s of thousands of new members in a week a “loser?” Keep up the good work Tracy. You’re doing a heck of a job.

I haven’t gotten a response yet. As noted in the 1st line, I knew they wouldn’t print it. Walter E. Wiliams has an interesting piece on gun “control.”

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