Tuesday, October 29, 2013

OUr punk king doesn't know much about anything

Just about everyone exceeds the speed limit from time to time.  Just about everyone knows that just about everyone exceeds the speed limit from time to time.  Most of the time, this minor infraction of the law is only a problem when you get caught.

And so it is with spying.  Everyone knows everyone spies on everyone else.  It’s embarrassing as hell when you caught.  If you do get caught, you have to have a Casablanca moment.  I was shocked!  Shocked!  I tell you to learn that the US government is spying on its allies.  I was almost as shocked to learn that as I was when I read in the paper that the US government was spying on its own citizens.

And as believable as it is that this affirmative action pass through king doesn’t know a damn thing about anything – particularly what’s going on with his court - he would have to be complete moron to be as ignorant as he claims to be about so many things.  Gee that really does not advance the ball very much does it?  Soooo, is he a clueless buffoon or a lying weasel?  The answer to that question is, yes.

The lies from this naked pretender are legion. From the, “I’ll close G’itmo in the first year,” to the “You can keep your healthcare plan if you like it,” from the “shovel ready” stimulus debacle to the “I did not know the website that was going to support my signature achievement was going to be catastrophe,” our punk king has deflected blame and gone on to campaign that he is trying to fix the very problems he created - if only the Republicans would get out of his way.

Meanwhile our buffoon king’s buffoonery is covered for by the lapdog royal media, his court of lemmings and those whom the king has seen fit to shower free gifts of phones, rent, food, school etc upon  at your cost.  That percentage of the kingdom is dangerously close the 50% mark.

But you don’t need to worry.  The Demo-Dopes have found a new “right” in the constitution.  The right to free child care.  That gets “parents” off the hook for their off-spring on your dime for 12-18 hours a day.  During that time, you can be sure that they will undergo intense indoctrination about how great and efficient the government is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...In the Casablanca theme as well," What! The website does not work? Quick, round up the usual Republican suspects!" What does it say about this administration when they damn well knew it was not ready and would not work? It is arrogance on steroids and general disrespect for the citizens. Another coffin nail on why the citizens do not and will trust its' leadership. And the band played on.