Friday, April 10, 2020

Counting every death as Chinese Virus death is total BS

Happy Easter!!!

Somewhere several posts under, Lex warns of a Puerto Rican style counting of the dead due the Chinese Virus.  You’ll recall that after Hurricane Maria the death toll in Puerto Rico was believed to less than a hundred.  Then the NY Times and CNN showed up and now the death toll now nears 3,000.  The counting of hurricane deaths continued for months after the hurricane had moved on.  Essentially anyone who died in Puerto Rico for several months after the hurricane was listed a likely to have died as a result of Maria.

You might expect such thing for a place as corrupt as Puerto Rico.  Now look at the death toll attributed to the Chinese Virus.  Doctor Birx admitted that anyone who dies that tests positive for the Chinese Virus is being counted as having succumbed to the virus.  So a guy who shows up in the ER with a gunshot wound to the chest and happens to test positive for the virus, if he dies on the operating table, the cause of death will listed as the Chinese virus.

We know that the old and ill are the most vulnerable and likely to die from the Chinese Virus.  Otherwise healthy people are less likely to succumb to the virus.  So why is the death of a 90 year old diabetic who chain smokes and is 150 pounds overweight being chalked up to the Chinese Virus?  At best it should be chalked up as a contributing factor rather the “the cause”.

Conspiracy theory 3-20:  My guess is that deep state docs Fauci and Birx are laying the ground work to saddle PDJT with as many deaths as possible due to the Chinese Virus as a political club with which to pummel him with in November. We are already seeing the Dopes and MSM lie about their predictions of the dangers of CV-19 and use of the term “Chinese Virus.” Slowly Joe Biden has already flipped and flopped like a mackerel on his reaction to PDJT’s closing the borders to Chinese.  I see it in the local fish wrap almost daily.     

Today’s JG rant: Whatever the costs, our healthcare system is better than Cuba’s
Re: Gaylen E. Twigg’s letter ”No bluffing on costs” of Apr. 10, 2020

If you would like to abandon the best, most efficient, accessible, compassionate and successful healthcare system in the history of the world for a single payer system, please contact Nicolas Maduro (Venezuela), Xi Jinping (China) or Miguel Diaz-Canel (Cuba)immediately.  They’d like you to join their failed socialist/communist experiments.  It’s obvious you haven’t read a history book.

Friday, April 10, 2020 1:00 am
No bluffing on costs
If you believe paying hundreds of millions of dollars in repetitive TV commercials, financing a seven-figure CEO salary and assuring a 20% profit margin for stockholders gives you the most efficient, accessible health care, please contact me immediately. We'd like you to join our Friday-night poker game. It's obvious you'll believe anything!
Gaylen E. Twigg
Fort Wayne

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