Wednesday, September 22, 2004


John Kerry’s latest campaign ploy, “W stands for wrong” is a laugher. The alliterative value is such that when he uses it, I get a mental image of Elmer Fudd and wrong becomes wong.

While we’re on the cartoon analogy, doesn’t the whole Kerry campaign remind you of Wylie E. Coyote – super genius? Kerry goes up in a hot air balloon marked “Vietnam War Hero!” only to run into the sharp object know as Swift Boat Vets for Truth and he plummets to earth. Kerry holds up a shotgun claiming to be supporter of 2nd Amendment rights, WHAM! an anvil in the form of legislation he co-sponsored banning the very gun falls on his head. Early on, he claims to support the Iraq war and a train in the form of Howard Dean comes out of nowhere and runs him over. So he becomes an anti-war candidate and the dynamite of his pro-war words blows him up. This scenario has been repeated 10-12 times over the last few months. The result is always the same; pro-war train, anti-war dynamite, pro-war train, anti-war dynamite etc.

At last, the Acme Super New and Improved Bush Catcher arrives in the mail in the form of documents proving Bush skipped out on the Texas Air National Guard. The Rube Goldberg like contraption is meticulously assembled; a super strong spring is compressed against a giant boulder. BOING! The spring (like the forged memos) backfires, instead of propelling Kerry forward; the spring pushes the huge boulder over a cliff in the opposite direction dragging poor Wylie E. over with it.

Credit: David Burge and Rather’s experience with Acme products @

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