Sunday, September 26, 2004


Seeing and reading about the President’s touching visit with troops on their way to the war front made me wonder how John Kerry might have handled the visit. From what we already know about Kerry, the story may have gone something like this:

“After delaying the flight of a National Guard unit on its way to Iraq for over an hour to stage a photo op of Kerry playing touch football, – seems it was nearly impossible to get a photo of the senator catching the ball with his eyes open – Kerry sent his aide Joe Lockhart aboard the flight to convey some of his thoughts to the troops he hopes to command.

“Mr. Lockhart noted that given the current state of affairs in Iraq, brought about by the Bush administration’s ineptness, only a lucky few of the people on board the flight could hope to return home without being decapitated. He went on to note that given the weakness of the allies now serving in Iraq, they should spend their flight time to Iraq composing their “last letter home”. After encouraging the troops to seek three imaginary wounds and a ticket home, Lockhart concluded his dirge by noting that the interim leader in Iraq was no more than George Bush’s sock puppet. One of the soldiers aboard the flight was heard to lament, ‘Damn, I guess it’s up to us to turn it around.’”

Photos From Power Line

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