Thursday, February 10, 2005

More on Mattis

Terrence Lauerman, no doubt from the safety of his basement, uses the words of Marine Lieutenant General James Mattis as evidence that; John Kerry was right about the American fighting man’s criminal actions in Vietnam (Something even Kerry tried to walk back during the campaign); that pro-lifers are some how hypocritical if they happen to support the military; that President Bush and church leaders remain silent on moral issues and that America fights unfair because we have better forces and equipment. All of that from the off-the-cuff remarks of an American fighting hero.

First, Mattis, faced with a firestorm of criticism, acknowledged that his comments were bit over the top. I don’t think that they were. How many of us would not take certain delight in getting Osama bin Laden in our sights? How many of us would hesitate to squeeze off the round? I think about 98% of would squeeze the trigger and the only thing we’d feel afterward is joy and the recoil of the weapon. So if the average American would take delight in being the one who “whacked” a piece of human garbage that killed 3,000 of our fellow citizens, why shouldn’t an American fighting man delight in killing people who were responsible for deaths his friends?

President Bush commented early during Abu Ghraib that it “sickened” him. So Mr. Lauerman sees and hears only what he wants to see and hear. Besides, when a list of man’s inhumanity to man is compiled, Abu Ghraib is going to be near the bottom just ahead of fraternity initiations.

Lauerman, in what can only be described as extreme irony, described Mattis’ comments as “vulgar and gruesome” then uses the comments to attack pro-lifers. I challenge Lauerman to find something, anything, more vulgar and gruesome than pulling a baby, feet first, from its mother’s womb until the base of the baby’s skull is exposed. Then, puncture the baby’s skull and suck its brains out. That is vulgar and gruesome, vial and grotesque.

Last, if Mr. Lauerman is ever engaged in a struggle for his life, he will instantly know that there is no such thing as a fair fight. America has an obligation use its military might and technologically to annihilate our enemies with the lowest possible cost in American lives.

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