Monday, February 07, 2005

Swift Vets aren't running for office John

Can a man that got 47% of the vote for president of the United States be this dumb? In an interview with the Boston Globe the dour one said, ''Let me make this clear: My full military record has been made public," Kerry said. ''All of my medical records and all of my fitness reports, every fitness report involving each place I served, is public. Where are George Bush's still? Where are his military records? End of issue."
Well, no they are not John. The Navy says they are not. They claim that they have a hundred or so pages that have not been made public. Who are we to believe, the US Navy or John “Christmas in Cambodia” Kerry? Hmm, I think the Navy.

Also, the president has ordered all of his records made public. He don’t need no stinkin’ form 180. He is the Commander in Chief. The scary looking one, has also challenged the Swift Vets to sign a form 180. Nice try weasel boy. They, last time I looked, were not running for anything. They are private citizens. I could care less what is their private records. Also, they are not running around telling everyone how great they are. You on the other hand couldn’t go two syllables without mentioning what a great guy you were for having done your duty – which it appears might be a lie. The Swift Vet, on the other hand have gone about living their live in quiet anonymity until Blowhard Johnny four months shows up running for president. Only when it appeared that the country might be saddled with lying, self-worshiping, gold digging, enemy sympathizer, did the Swift Vets force themselves into the limelight.

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