Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Democrat response indicates Alito is well qualified

Well at least Alito has impeccable credentials. What are those credentials, except for causing the wing nuts on the left to spiral further out of control, I have no idea. But any nomination that causes Chucky Schumer to rush to the microphone to whine about Bush appeasing the “far right” can’t be all bad. Chucky mentioned that Alito might roll back gains made through the sacrifices of such people as Rosa Parks. Oh really? Isn’t that a bit over the top? Is Alito going to rush down Montgomery and require the Metro there to put the “Coloreds to the back of the bus” signs back up? It’s this type of talk from reactionary Lib dopes like Chucky that make me think there is little to fear from the new left.

The only thing the Left is concerned about, with regard to Supreme Court nominations, is the reversal of Roe. That’s it. Game. Set. Match. The Dems have always had a litmus test for the Supreme Court. President Clinton said openly that he would not appoint anyone to the court who might reverse Roe. What if Bush had said, I will not appoint anyone to the court who thinks Roe is good law? The Left would be bouncing off the walls. But Lex has often noted that Reps play politics like the fathers in a father-son little league game, batting one handed, running the bases backward, and throwing with the wrong hand. There is nothing the Reps won’t do to keep the game close.

At his confirmation hearing, Reps ought to ask Alito one question over and over. What would happen to abortion in the U.S. if Roe were overturned today? The answer is that the decision would return to the state legislators where it should have been decided in the first place. But Dems can’t win elections. So they enact their agenda through judicial fiat. There are too many red state Dems running in the mid-term for this thing to be close. We can only hope that Libs are dumb enough to filibuster Alito. Then Reps can get their nominee and kill off Harry Reid (politically) at the same time.

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