Monday, November 21, 2005

DemoRATS announce their plan for Iraq

Go check the August archive, 22-24 to be exact. There you will find Lex’s theory of halves. Half the people in America do not believe we are in a real war. Half of those who do think we are in a real war do not understand what is required to win that war. Finally, only half of the people that get the first two points understand what is at stake in the war. Those numbers have not increased since August. If anything they have declined.

With an election year on the horizon, DemoRATS are beginning to moisten their fingers and hoist their damp digits above their heads to see what direction public opinion is turning. Yes, we can always count on the DemoRATS for poll driven leadership. John Murtha, portrayed by the MSM as a DemoRAT hawk, as if there is such a thing, has detected a political advantage for calling for an immediate withdrawal, oops, “redeployment” of US troops. Ever the politician, Murtha takes offense when someone confuses “immediate redeployment” with “immediate withdrawal” two terms that will have the exact same consequence if not the exact same sound.

Splitting the hair even more finely, Murtha calls for Marines to be “redeployed” over the horizon so that they can fight their way back into Baghdad when things go south, as they inevitably will. Hmm, good plan Jack. Withdraw, sorry, redeploy our troops so that they can recapture the same ground at a later date. Jack calls it the - cut and run so we can return and cut and run again plan. One Republican representative relayed a message to Murtha from a Marine constituent that cowards cut and run, Marines never do. DemoRATS, as RATS are wont to do, wept uncontrollably at the mere mention of the truism. MSM dopes played the quote over and over, always careful to mention that Murtha like John Kerry, who executed a personal cut and run policy which brought personal shame upon himself before it tarred the entire nation, was a decorated Vietnam war veteran. Now, no matter what he says or does, Murtha is supposedly unassailable because he wore the nation uniform at one time.

Gee, I wore the uniform too, so guess I get the same pass as Murtha, right? Well no Lex, you don’t. See Murtha is a RAT opposed to Bush so he can call the vice President of the United States a chicken hawk with no consequence. But when someone notes that a cowardly policy Murtha supports is…well cowardly (the policy NOT Murtha himself), then all hell breaks loose. Cowardly? Do you really believe that Murtha is a coward? No. Murtha would never ascribe to an action that would have America question his personal courage. However, he does seem willing to take the nation down a path that will have the entire world questioning America’s courage.

The war has two axis’. One is on the assent, Iraqi ability for self-governance and security. One is on the descent, public and political willingness to win the war. The President needs to begin a campaign to convince more Americans that we are at war. He needs to explain more clearly what is required to win that war and what is at stake if we lose the war. The pentagon needs to accelerate the ascending axis by getting the Iraqis ready to fend for themselves. Victory is near. But like a football team driving for the winning score as time is running out, they must to get the ball into end zone. If the clock runs out and the team has advanced the ball all the way down to opponent’s one yard line, they still lose if the ball doesn’t cross the goal line. In Iraq, America is inside the terrorist’s ten, first and goal with a minute left before America’s public opinion clock runs out or DemoRATS simply forfeit the game with time still on the clock. Odd as it sounds, Bush has got to go to the American people, the fans if you will, and make the strongest case possible for the fans to allow him to win the game.
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