Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The new axis of evil

GOP head Ken Melman has taken Lex’s “Who said it quiz” several posts below, added some additional Dem hypocrisy and put the whole thing to music here If you don’t do anything else today, click on the link, listen, then e-mail the link to dopy leftwing moonbats and wobbly Reps. The RNC needs to get this information down to a 60 second spot and end by asking the obvious question: The world KNOWS that Saddam developed, possessed and used WMD, where have they gone? Class? Bassar. Beuler? Syria. Anyone? Assad.

Syria’s Ba’athist little dweeb “head of state” sponsored terrorism needs to be put on notice, soon and in no uncertain terms, that he’s next. John Bolton ought to have a heart to heart with Syria’s ambassador to the UN. Maybe Bolton could even do that hands on the hips thing that terrified so many Libs. Or would that make big George Voinavich cry? Bush should use the occasion of his next State of the Union address to mention that, while Iraq has been removed, Syria has been added to the “axis of evil”.

Were Dems not so absorbed with defining the US President as evil, they might notice some of the real evil that exists in the world. Were Dems not so concerned about rallying their moonbat base around removing our own president from office, they might be able to rally a nation around removing Bassar. Were Dems and their willing accomplices in the MSM not so wrapped around the axel about distorting our efforts on the ground in Iraq, they could make a strong case for moving onto Syria – which will have to be dealt with sooner or later.

Once Assad has cleaned up his act or assumed room temperature, we can focus our undivided attention to the internal overthrow of the Iranian Mullahocracy. The thinking class believes that any further American intervention into the Middle East will only destabilize the situation. This is an odd argument. It’s sort of like saying, more adult supervision at Chuck E. Cheese’s on a rainy Saturday afternoon will only add to the confusion. Hey it’s already destabilized and it’s Bassar and the Iranians doing 80% of the destabilizing. Bush swings for the fences. Maybe he’ll git-r-done.

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