Thursday, January 19, 2006

Know your enemy

I think that President Bush is hitting mark about 75% of the time. One of the things that I think he has swung at and missed several times is clearly defining the global war on Islamo-terror-fascism (ITF). The administration, MSM and many others refer to the war as the Global War on Terror. This is a key mistake in our struggle. Chinese Military Strategist and the Author of ''Art of War'' Sun Tzu advised generals to “know your enemy”.

Our enemy in today’s struggle is not terror any more than the enemy in WWI was trench warfare or the blitzkrieg in WWII. Some may say, “Lex you’re slicing it too thin. We all know what the president means.” Well I don’t think so. Terror, like trench warfare or the blitzkrieg is a tactic. The people employing the tactic and their ideology are the enemy.

When our leadership continually refers to our enemy by their tactics, in this case terror, terror takes the rap and ITF gets a pass. Like the Nazis, the ITF have a clear strategic goal; bring about a powerful Muslim caliphate in the Middle East from which to threaten and dominate the rest of the world.

If the average American understood what was at stake in the region and who the enemy was, the president’s support for the Iraq war would include everyone but the far left moonbats. Were our war on ITF understood by a majority of the American people, they’d be in the streets demanding something be done about the Iranian madman who also happens to be president of that country, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, before he gets nukes.

What to do? Well first off, if we are to take Sun Tzu’s advise, we should stop referring to it as the Global War on Terror. FDR didn’t refer to defeating the blitzkrieg in his fireside chats. FDR clearly defined the enemy as German Nazism, Italian and Japanese fascism. If we are to know our enemy, we should call him by his name. As hard as it may be for the president to associate one of the world’s great religions, practiced by a billion believers, with our struggle for survival, it must be done clearly and consistently - for our sake and the sake of that religion.

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