Monday, January 23, 2006

Stopping Iran

Well Les’s readers know who the enemy is, even if our politicians refuse to see or at least admit in a public utterance. They are soulless, pitiless, compassionateless, characterless cretins who would snatch an innocent baby from its crib, hack its head off in front of al Jazeera and the baby’s mother and father before killing the entire family, all because the mother ran out to the curb to get the newspaper without a scarf covering her head and face.

We know who we are as well - a good people who, with the exception of the Mexican-American War, go to war only for the best of reasons, expect and take nothing in return for our sacrifice, and rebuild in better fashion that which we destroy . We, since the advent of TV and accompanying naysayers, have lacked the national will to see important yet costly military operations through to completion – Korea, Vietnam, Beirut, Somalia. Were would we be today had we demonstrated the will to succeed in these conflicts? Now we are beginning to teeter on Iraq. All of our enemies seem to know us better than we know ourselves. America it seems, irrespective of what’s at stake, will lose its political will when things begin to get tough.

So now state sponsor of Islamo-terror-fascism, Iran, is about to acquire a nuclear device. America is tired of seeing the steady drip, drip, drip of bad news that our MSM seems to specialize in and is ready to withdrawal inside itself - seeking the false security of isolationism.

This is the exact wrong instinct. Fortunately George W. knows it. Democrats would rather seek a political advantage than support this president in what would be his third military victory. They are trying to scare America away from a hard fought victory in a neighboring country that will serve as a strategic jumping-off point for what sensible know is the inevitable dismantling of Iran’s nuclear program through military force.

To fail to take action against Iran would be one of the biggest blunders in the history of the world. To allow the enemy described in the fist paragraph to have nuclear weapons will cost us 100 fold tomorrow that which it will costs us to prevent it today.

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