Monday, September 25, 2006

Democrats hail information ignore source

The New York Times’ latest effort to undermine our war on Islamo-terror-fascists was to release a top secret assessment, by our spy agencies, that indicates the ITF are growing stronger as a result of our efforts in Iraq. Fine, that would seem to prove President Bush’s point that Iraq is now the central front on the war on ITF.

Democrats are gleefully hailing the report as proof positive the war that they voted for in Iraq was a mistake. I’m of the opinion that if some percentage of a billion Muslims want to join the ITF in waging war on a Muslim country, fine we can kill them there. And I’m not surprised given the encouragement ITF receives from “we can hide under the bed sheets and they’ll leave us alone” politicians and the blame America first left that they are not emboldened to pursue our defeat in Iraq. All of this proves a point. If the ITF are willing to blow themselves and innocent Muslims up in a Muslim country, does anyone seriously believe that they will ever leave us alone?

And where is all of the outrage about the leaking of classified information from Democrats who faked outrage when non-spy, non-covert, run of the mill, ordinary citizen who happened drive in and out of the front gate at Langley Valerie Plame showed up in a Robert Novak column? There isn’t any.

The reason that there isn’t any outrage is because this leak is a good leak that serves Democrat purposes. The Plame leak was a bad leak because it exposed liar Joe Wilson and his ordinary bureaucrat wife for the political hacks that they are. So for democrats the only way to make political hay of the Plame leak was to condemn the leak itself rather than information.

This latest leak is a good leak because on the surface it can hurt Republicans. So the information is hailed and the fact that the information is top secret and was leaked by some partisan in one of our spy agencies is ignored. While Democrats publicly, prematurely and as it turned out wrongly screamed for Karl Rove’s head in the Plame leak, if the scoundrel who leaked the top secret information on our war effort in Iraq is ever caught, Democrats no doubt will hail him as a great patriot speaking only truth to power rather than the treasonous bastard that he is.

And yes Mr. & Mrs. America, this is yet another reason why it is not yet safe to vote for a Democrat.

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