Friday, September 15, 2006

Lex takes up the case for Indiana conservative

Indiana conservative and third district congressman Mark Souder takes a daily beating in Ft. Wayne's liberal morning fish wrap The Journal-Gazette. Editors whined that the beating was a result the paper reciving far more letters supporting Souder's Democrat opponet retired MD Tom Hayhurst. So Lex has come to the rescue. Here's what I sent the Journal Gazette:

Since the Journal Gazette seems to be running behind in letters supporting Mark Souder, I thought I’d chime in. First, I question the integrity of using the Gazette’s letters to the editor as some kind of straw poll and publishing the results as an editor’s note. Given the left leaning nature of the Journal Gazette’s editorial page and it’s willingness to print all manner of liberal tripe no matter how ridiculous, I’d be shocked to find any other outcome.

If you’re for securing the border against illegal immigration and terrorists, vote Souder.
If you’re for making English the official language of government, vote Souder.
If you’d like to keep your taxes low, vote Souder.
If you want to protect America and defeat Islamo-terror-fascists, vote Souder.
If you want to protect the sanctity of life, vote Souder

If you want to help make a clueless, tax and spend, blame America first, west coast liberal like San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi the third most powerful person in America, vote Hayhurst.
If you want to help make a kook like Michigan Democrat John Conyers the head of the House Judiciary Committee, where he can spend the next two years investigating and attempting to impeach President Bush, vote Hayhurst.
If you want to help make an ultra-liberal like New York Democrat Charlie Rangel the head of the House Ways and Means Committee, where he is sure to try to raise taxes on everything on, in or above the ground, vote Hayhurst.

Yes, I’m the same Schumick that has a letter due appear on the smoking brouhaha, but given the supposed paucity of letters in support of Mr. Souder and your interest in fair play, evenhandedness and balance, I suppose you’ll be willing to suspend your 30 day rule. But then again, you might be more interested in simply advancing the editors’ point of view.

On another subject. Editors might have made the following editor’s notes for today’s letters.

*Editor’s notes on “Vote to impeach Rumsfeld”

Mr. Rumsfled has twice offered to resign from office. Twice the president has refused to accept that resignation.
While the word “responsibility” is often cited as a leadership trait in our military, integrity is the hallmark of officership. Therefore integrity is the bottom line of leadership.

*Editor’s note on “Some Republicans opposed World War II”

Mr. Rumsfeld never mentioned an individual or party in his remarks. To indicate otherwise demonstrates a lack of understanding or willful attempt to misstate the secretary’s point.

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