Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Democrats make America less safe

Democrats have decided on a strategy of attacking the Republican strength, security. So they have trotted out marionette and former NATO commander General Wes Clark to claim that, because of the Iraq war and other Bush administration miscalculations, we are less safe now than before 9-11. Now just forget, aside from some lone Muslim whackos shooting 14 people, driving their cars into a bunch a students and killing an El Al flight agent, we have had no major attacks in the US since 9-11 – even though everyone predicted that we would.

Focus instead on what the Bush administration is doing and the Democrat response to those actions. Bush called for the renewal of the Patriot Act as means to safeguard Americans, Harry Reid prematurely claimed to have “killed” the act a month or so before it became law. Bush refuses to close G’itmo and Abu Ghraib after media driven scandals plagued both facilities because useful intelligence continued to be gathered. As result of the MSM hyped scandals, Democrats like Dick Durbin compared American soldiers with Nazis and the communists who the gulag. Ted Kennedy compared US leadership in Iraq to Saddam Hussein. Bush authorized an international federal eavesdropping program to track terrorists’ calls coming or going from the country and Democrat Feingold calls for impeachment. Bush remains steadfast in commitment to meet terrorists on the battlefield in Iraq as the central front in the war on terror. Democrats fail to see any connection between the GWOT and what’s going on in Iraq even though they will admit that al Qaida and other terrorists groups are active in Iraq.

So here are some questions the MSM ought to be asking local candidates.

Do you support the Patriot Act, if not what would propose instead?
Prediction: Democrat candidates will either support the Patriot Act or propose something very similar.

Would you close G’itmo, if so what would you do with the terrorists now confined there?
Prediction: Democrat candidates will call for G’itmo’s closure and either turn the terrorists loose and/or foul the US court system with endless circus trials.

Would you call for an end to the NSA eavesdropping program?
Rediction: Democrat candidates will not call for an end to the program but continue to bash Bush for authorizing it.

Would you withdraw from Iraq immediately?
Prediction: Democrat candidates will say they would “redeploy” US forces. That is Democrat speak for retreating, chickening out, quitting. Jack (ass) Murtha has called for such a redeploy to “someplace close like Okinawa” where the troops could quickly return if necessary. Murtha, it pains me to say, is a former Marine Colonel. He has either forgotten or never learned that 5,000 miles (the distance between Okinawa and the Middle East) does not equal a quick return.

“America is less safe” is just more Democrat sloganeering. It offers nothing in the way solutions and is in fact, just plain wrong.

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