Monday, December 04, 2006

Al Gore legacy one of Sore Looser

The Washington Times, Inside Politics section ran this bit today:

"Democrats whomped Republicans in last month's midterms, but oddly enough they're still calling in the legal cavalry to contest one of the few races they narrowly lost," the Wall Street Journal says in an editorial.

"That would be Florida's 13th Congressional District, which runs along the Gulf Coast from just south of Tampa to just north of Fort Myers. The certified winner is Republican Vern Buchanan, who beat Democrat Christine Jennings by fewer than 400 votes out of more than 237,000 cast. Two recounts, which were demanded by Democrats and required by law, have reconfirmed Mr. Buchanan's victory and slightly increased the margin," the newspaper said.

"Unbowed, the Dems are now suggesting that defective voting machines cost them the race. They point to Sarasota County's 18,000 'undervotes,' or incidences where voters cast ballots in other races but not the Buchanan-Jennings contest. Ms. Jennings -- along with such liberal partisans as People for the American Way and the American Civil Liberties Union -- has filed a lawsuit contesting the results based on 'statistical and eyewitness evidence of significant machine malfunctions' in Sarasota's iVotronic touch-screen system.

"They want a court to declare Ms. Jennings the winner by -- get this -- using statistical models to extrapolate that she would have received most of the undervotes. Short of that, they'll settle for nullifying the November results and holding a new election. But among the many things that are strange here is that if anyone ought to be complaining about undervotes, it's the GOP.

Sarasota is the largest and most Republican county in the district, yet the Democrat, Ms. Jennings, carried it handily. In fact, it's the only county in the district that she did carry, which makes it more likely that it was Republicans who declined to vote in the Congressional race, not Democrats."

This is Al Gore’s legacy and he need not check with his former boss for the meaning of “is” in this case. It means it is now and forever will be. Just as Bill Clinton’s legacy will be of a chubby 20 something year old girl in a black beret on her knees in the Oval Office, Al Gore will forever be known as Sore Looserman.

Al Gore’s failure to allow an orderly recount in Fl coupled with his attempt to count only votes in heavily Democrat areas, disenfranchise military votes and incessant whining since, is now the model for the entire Democrat party.

In close senate races in VA and MT Democrat leader Chuck Schumer promised recounts when Democrats trailed. When they gained the advantage, Schumer declared recounts unnecessary. Republican candidates agreed and saved the states tens of thousands of dollars. In the last governors race in WA, Democrats demanded recount after recount until their candidate achieved an advantage. At that point, Democrats declared that the people had spoken and all counting should cease.

We are in serious trouble when the courts start to determine elections. Thanks Al , uh, Sore Looserman.

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