Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In 1937 a Civil War raged in Spain between anti-fascists, socialists, communists, Spanish Republican forces and General Franco’s Nationalists forces that favored the Catholic Church, monarchist, land owners and centralized government control. In an effort to keep Franco from power, many Americans joined Washington, Lincoln and John Brown brigades and fought with Republican forces.

Also in 1937, an Army Air Corps Captain named Clair Chennault resigned his commission and traveled to China to survey that nation’s air force. Chennault stayed in China and in 1941 the American Volunteer Group was formed. The AVG or Flying Tigers were responsible for destroying over 300 Japanese aircraft at a loss of 12 of their own.

Gee, nice history lesson Lex. What’s the point? Well the point is that our history is full of men of action. When they saw an injustice they did something about it. They didn’t wring their hands and hope someone else would step up. Today George Clooney is in high dudgeon about Darfur. He’s so upset he’s willing to do what actors do - read someone else’s words, show up at a charity event for 20-30,000 dollars, go on Letterman and tell us how much better he is than the rest of us because he cares.

Were Clair Chennault around today, he would slap the crap out of this phony-baloney Taylor Hicks look-alike with none of the talent. Hey George, if you want to do something about Dafur, organize, train and equip your own brigade and go fight the Arab Muslim terrorists scum-bags reeking havoc on the people there. Come on you played an Army Sergeant in the movies and that turned out OK. How tough can it be? Or should we wait for Lib icon Kofi Annan to step in?

Actually, Darfur would be a good fight. More on that tomorrow.

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