Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Comprehensive Amnesty dos

Saxby Chambliss summed up the Rep. talking points on Comprehensive Amnesty when he told his constituents, "Republicans are not in control. We could either sit on the sidelines and we could throw rocks, or we could become engaged and make what we knew was a bad bill, better."

Well, Sax ol’ boy you got it wrong. When the Dems come up with a plan that will destroy the country in 5 years, Reps shouldn’t go around patting themselves on the back because they, “engaged and [made] what [they] knew was a bad bill, better” by extending America’s destruction out to 6 years. You oppose the bill Sax. No bill at all would be better than the Bovine Excrement that the congress is trying foist off on us now.

Below is the e-mail that Lex fired off to his Senators and Congressman. Follow the links and send your own:



Dear Mark,

The 600-1,000 page “comprehensive immigration” bill can be boiled down to one word, amnesty. Amnesty is anything that places anyone now in the country illegally ahead of the last person waiting in line to enter the country legally. Fines, in any amount, merely tell the criminals that broke into the country that US citizenship is for sale. It isn’t. It can’t be bought. It can only be earned. I will not vote for anyone who supports this abomination.

An overwhelming majority of the American people want congress to secure our borders. Why can’t we start there?

Here’s comprehensive immigration reform:

Build the fence
Bring as many legal aliens as required temporarily into the country with tamper proof ID
Fine/jail employers who hire illegals
Cut off all government support for illegals – less life saving aid
End chain migration
End the anchor baby provision, which I find hard to believe the founders intended to cover criminals

If enacted, these steps will remove the requirement to “round up” illegals. They’d be forced to leave on their own and wait in line to enter our country legally.


Doug Schumick
Ft. Wayne, IN

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